Tag Archives: nanyang

Academic and Research Libraries – An invitation to join us at IFLA WLIC, Singapore!

The Academic and Research Libraries Section would like to invite you to attend their meetings, sessions and workshop at IFLA World Library and Information Congress – Singapore.


Session 7 – Saturday 17 August, 09:00-12:30.  Nanyang Technological University

 Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries with the Academic and Research Libraries Section.  Further details at:



Standing Committee meetings

Session 41 – 17 August 2013, 15:15-17:45.  Room 304

Session 183 – 21 August 2013, 13:15-14:45.  Room 310


Joint Session : Knowledge Management and Academic & Research Libraries 

Session 98 – Monday 19 August, 9:30-12:45

Theme:  Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times.

Who is looking after your e-journals?: Telling tales about the keepers registry & your digital shelves.  Peter Burnhill, EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK

Implementing agile management through collaborative social computing.  Margaret Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

From search to discovery.  Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris, Jerusalem, Israel.

Agile management: strategies for success in rapidly changing times.   Andrew Wells, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

MOOCs  in the library: addressing the changing needs of students and faculty in the age of online learning.  Mariellen F. Calter, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

The opportunities and challenges of MOOCs : viewpoints of Asia countries.  Joyce Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Hot Topics in Academic and Research Libraries Session

Session 151 – Tuesday 20 August, 16:00-18:00, Session Room 3

Convergence of open access, open knowledge, and open innovation: towards libraries as an open knowledge service platform – Xialon Zhang (National Science Library, Beijing, China)

That was then, this is now.  A new era of research support.  Jenny Ellis (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)

Using social media to build an engaged community.  Gulcin Cribb and Yuyun Wirawati Ishak (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

An age of un-discovery?: copyright, curiosity and scholarly access to information in a digital world.  Ellen Broad (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, Netherlands)


The recipients of the 2013 Attendance Grant will receive their award at the Hot Topics session.  The Award, with generous sponsorship by ExLibris and Sage, is awarded to three information professionals from each of these regions: Africa, Latin America / Caribbean and Asia/Pacific Region. 


Announcement of Panelists – Social media strategy in academic libraries workshop, 17 August 2013.


You are invited to join us for a half day workshop on “Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries with the Academic and Research Libraries Section” on 17th August 2013, Saturday from 9:00am – 12:30pm at NTU Libraries.

The workshop, to be held at Nanyang Technological University [NTU], will include a panel of international librarians.  The panelists will share their experiences in implementing social media and the challenges faced.  Details of the panelists are:

Mike Berrington is Deputy University Librarian (Customer Services) at Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom) where he has overall responsibility for all customer facing services. Mike is a post-graduate qualified librarian with more than 20 years’ experience in academic libraries and has presented nationally and internationally on a wide range of library management and technology related topics.

Janet Fletcher is the Director, Information Services at University of New South Wales Australia. She leads a large team of staff with a key focus in providing research and publishing support services to academic and research staff.  Such a focus has required the Library to design support services for students that do not require substantial staff time.  This includes installing physical and online self-service facilities to access and use the Library’s resources, facilities and services.  The Library has also found success in engaging with large cohorts of students via social media networks established across the University.

Gillian Nowlan is a Liaison Librarian for music, education, and media production & studies at the University of Regina. Gillian has been involved in the creation and management of the University of Regina Library’s social media accounts. She has also constructed policies detailing procedures for social media usage at the Library, and has worked closely with the University’s Social Media Committee to create best practices for social media use in an academic environment.   Gillian has presented at international conferences and has been awarded the Canadian Library Association Emerging Leader Award for her leadership and dedication to the profession. Her research interests include mobile technologies, information literacy, and social media and its applications in academic libraries and higher education.

Jarmo Saarti is the Library Director at the University of Eastern Finland Library and adjunct professor in the University of Oulu.  He has been the chair of the board of the National Repository Library in Finland and a member of the board of the National Library of Finland. He is specialized in the knowledge organization of fiction and in the management of libraries. His publications include more than 200 papers and he has written or edited about 30 books.

More details about the workshop can be found here:


To register for this free workshop, please visit http://bit.ly/10uXGhe

Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experiences at Nanyang Technological University [NTU] Libraries

You are cordially invited to join us for a half day workshop on “Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries with the Academic and Research Libraries Section” on 17th August 2013, Saturday from 9:00am – 12:30pm at NTU Libraries.

The workshop will be conducted by the New Media Team at NTU Libraries.  The team will discuss aspects of the Social Media strategy, learning points on winning user acceptance and examples of social media projects. They will then demonstrate how to create a vibrant user community using free or low cost social media tools for the second half of the workshop. Participants can bring along their notebook PCs and try out these tools immediately. The workshop will end with a panel discussion, drawing librarians from different countries, to share how various libraries implement their social media strategies and the challenges faced.

This class will be hands on, fast and definitely intense. You will walk away with a comprehensive understanding of how to come up with your own social media strategic and what are the tools available that you can deployed easily at a low cost and effectively.

To register for this workshop, please visit http://bit.ly/10uXGhe

More details about the workshop can be found here:-


Getting to NTU Libraries: http://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/ifla2013/getting-to-ntu/

Social Media Strategy in Academic Libraries – implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries

A half-day workshop on Saturday 17 August 2013

Fee : Free for IFLA delegates

Many libraries have created social media sites enthusiastically to reach out to their increasingly sophisticated audience. Within a university, it is not uncommon to see a myriad collection of QR codes, Facebook Pages, Twitter accounts, blogs, Flick photos and YouTube videos set up by students, administrative staff and faculty.

Beyond using these ubiquitous tools for library promotion and information literacy, NTU Libraries decided to embrace social media more systematically and comprehensively to identify new niches for user collaborations and to create opportunities for enhancing or developing new library services. A key component of the strategy is to adopt a whole-of-organisation approach where all librarians understand the potential of these tools and leverage them effectively, turning every librarian into a consummate marketer of library services. A New Media Group was also formed to coordinate and drive the libraries’ social media initiatives.

The half day workshop will be conducted by the New Media team at NTU Libraries. During the first half of the workshop, the team will discuss aspects of the Social Media strategy, learning points on winning user acceptance and examples of social media projects. They will then demonstrate how to create a vibrant user community using free or low cost social media tools for the second half of the workshop. Participants can bring along their notebook PCs and try out these tools immediately. 

The workshop will end with a panel discussion, drawing librarians from different countries, to share how various libraries implement their social media strategies and the challenges faced.

Full details, including how to register, are available at the workshop’s blog

The workshop is being organised by Nanyang Technological University Libraries, in association with the IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section.

The Standing Committee meeting of the Academic and Research Libraries Section will also be held at Nanyang Technological University.  Details will be provided, once confirmed.