Gaming in Libraries book

gaming is an increasingly interesting topic among (mainly public) librarians in Italy. While there is much on videogames collection development, organizing a gaming event etc., there is not as much on educational aspects, implications on both sides (school and library).

Martina Marsano (current M.Ed. student), discussed her final work on the topic of videogames and gaming at school and in libraries in July 2013. Her work was selected and awarded the “Giorgio De Gregori” Award(here are news and pics
It was the first time that both an undergraduate student and, furthermore, from a LIS course at a Department of Education (and not a Dept. of LIS) was awarded.

Now her work has become a book, a new title in the “Premio Giorgio De Gregori” (i.e. Giorgio De Gregori Award) series
(, that was presented in Rome on Nov. 25, 2014 (URL:, during one of the several events that took place during the last International Gaming Day (IGD@yourlibrary).