Register for IFLA Midterm Meeting in Rome!

Join the IFLA Sections Library Theory and Research (LTR); Preservation and Conservation (PRESCONS); School Libraries (SCHOOL) with ENSULIB; and SIGs Library History (LH) and Religions: Libraries and Dialogue (Relindial) in collaboration with the Vatican Library, the Lasallian Library, and the Accademia Vivarium Novum to attend the 3-day (+1) IFLA Midterm Meeting in Rome.

The Midterm meeting will be held in Vatican City (Vatican Library) on Friday, March 22; in Generalate of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and its Lasallian Libraries, Museum and Archives on Saturday, March 23, and in Frascati, Rome (Accademia Vivarium Novum at Villa Falconieri) on Sunday, March 24.

The 3-day (+1) Midterm Meeting Programme aims at providing its participants with a qualified professional development opportunity and library professional visits and networking.