Student privacy issue

The following information which was published in the Dutch newspaper Trouw on 17 September 2013 may be of great interest to some of you:

English text:

A judge in Sweden has decreed that a school in Sweden may not store data in Google Cloud

Sweden’s Data Inspection Board (Datainspektionen) has told a Stockholm school that they must either discontinue using a Google cloud service or sign an agreement with Google in which the US firm promises to adhere to the Personal Data Act (in Sweden) and comply with the Swedish guidelines on privacy. The school in question is the Rudbeck school in Sollentuna in northern Stockholm.  It is an upper secondary school (gymnasium) with approximately 2,000 students which uses various Google services; all teachers and students at the school are required to open a Google Account..

“It is especially important in a school environment, where there is sensitive private personal data relating to children and young people, that those responsible really make sure that personal data is handled in a legal manner,” said Ingela Alverfors at the Data Inspection Board in a statement.

The Data Inspection Board has established that the school lacks an agreement with the US firm to cover the protection and management of personal information. The agreement would cover instructions and stipulate limits for handling data.  The privacy watchdog demands a contract in which these matters are properly regulated. The school has therefore been instructed to sign a contract with Google which ensures the privacy and integrity of the students in its care. If the school declines to do so then they have been told to stop using the service.


Do any of you know of similar statements or regulations in your own countries?  If so, would you please forward this information to Helen Boelens at [email protected]