Tag Archives: LTR’s People

[LTR Standing Committee] New Members in the SC of LTR

Dear colleagues, chers et chères collègues,

We are pleased to introduce you our new members in the Standing Committee of LTR // Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter les nouveaux membres élus au comité permanent de la section LTR.

First term 2015-2017 // 1er mandat 2015-2017

Theo D. Bothma, Responsable du Département des Sciences de l’Info, Université de Pretoria, Afrique du Sud

Daniel G. Dorner, Maitre de conférence, Université Victoria de Wellington, Ecole de Management de l’information, Nouvelle Zélande

Gabrielle Haddow, Maitre de conférence, Dept des Etudes sur l’Information, Université Curtin, Australie

Sylvestre Kouakou Kouassi, Doctorant/Enseignant en information documentaire, Université Libre de Bruxelles / Institut pour la Promotion des Arts Conservatoires d’Abidjan, Belgique / Côte d’Ivoire

Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, Université Associée bibliothécaire de Recherche / Université de l’Illinois à Urbana-Champaign, Etats-Unis.


We also thank gratefully the colleagues which term is ending in Cape Town. // Nous remercions également les collègues dont le mandat s’achève à Capetown.

Thanks to Terry Weech, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Bernd Lorenz, Krystyna Matusiak, and Steve Witt.


The full list of the members of the Standing Committee of IFLA LTR // La liste complète des membres du comité permanent de la section LTR de l’IFLA.


IFLA WLIC 2014 | #6 Peter Lor

Peter Lor is a member of the LTR Standing Committee. You can read a focus we made on him in january. We got the opportunity to interview him during the last WLIC in Lyon.

Peter Lor est membre du Standing Committee de la section LTR. Vous pouvez lire l’article que nous avons écrit sur lui en janvier dernier. Nous avons eu le plaisir de l’interviewer lors du congrès international à Lyon. L’interview est disponible en version française.

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IFLA WLIC 2014 | #5 Milan Vasiljevic

Milan Vasiljevic is a member of the LTR Standing Committee. He works at the National Library of Serbia in Belgrade. We got the opportunity to interview him during the last WLIC in Lyon.

Milan Vasiljevic est membre du Standing Committee de la section LTR. Il est bibliothécaire à la Bibliothèque nationale de Serbie à Belgrade. Nous avons pu l’interviewer durant le dernier congrès international à Lyon. L’interview est traduite en français.

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IFLA WLIC 2014 | #4 IFLA Professional Unit Communication Award

We are very pleased to announce you that the IFLA Professional Unit Communication Award has been awarded to our section Library Theory and Research (LTR).

Raphaëlle Bats (enssib, France), Information Coordinator of LTR, has received with pride and emotion this award for the section.

closure ceremony IFLA 2014

closure ceremony IFLA 2014

Raphaëlle Bats is working on the communication of LTR with a team of students from enssib, the national school for librarians in France. You can find a presentation of all the students on the LTR’s blog, here.

a part of our Enssib's IFLA team.

a part of our Enssib’s IFLA team.

The communication of our section has two parts :

1/ information monitoring activity : we are selecting for you some information about LIS, history of books and history of libraries :

  • calls for papers, call for posters, call for books…
  • conferences, workshop, meetings…
  • Publications, ressources…
  • Awards and Grants…

2/ diffusion : we are diffusing these information on :

LIS : https://groups.diigo.com/group/library-and-information-sciences/rss
Book History : https://groups.diigo.com/group/book-history/rss
History of Libraries : https://groups.diigo.com/group/history-of-libraries/rss

3/ you can also contact us :

​See you soon, 


[LTR’s People] The Standing Committee of the LTR Section

The Standing Committe (SC) of the Section Library Theory and Research (LTR) counts 25 members, from all over the world : Cameroon, France, USA, Serbia, Korea, Germany, Japan, Norway, United-Kingdom, China, Australia, Italy, South-Africa, Russia.

Each member is elected for 4 years, and evntually 8 years.  Every two years, there is some new elections. Next to come in 2015 ! Be ready to joign us !

Some members of the SC in 2012 at IFLA Congress in Helsinki

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