Call for LIS educator participation in research methods teaching survey

IFLA Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section in collaboration with the Education and Training Section is conducting an international study, Teaching Research Methods in Library and Information Science (LIS) programs. The focus of the study is on professional preparation programs – Bachelor’s or Master’s level programs that offer the degree or credentials required to work as a librarian or information professional. The goals of the study are to examine what approaches to teaching research methods are currently being applied in LIS programs worldwide and to compare international educational models for preparing library practitioners to conduct research and evaluation studies.

We invite LIS educators to participate in this research and share their experiences in teaching research methods courses. Have you taught a research methods course for a LIS program in the past 3 years? If you have experience teaching research methods courses in the last 3 years and agree to participate, you will be asked to read and complete a questionnaire that will take 10 minutes and participate in a brief interview conducted using Zoom or Skype, that will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Your participation is completely voluntary. The link to the questionnaire is:

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Krystyna Matusiak, IFLA LTR Chair [email protected].