Author Archives: library-theory-research

LTR Webinar on International Research in LIS

Title: International Research in LIS

Date: Wednesday, May 26 at 17:00 – 18:30 Central European Time CET/UTC+1

Cost: Free

This webinar will explore international and comparative research in Library and Information Science (LIS). Peter Lor, former IFLA Secretary General and the author of International and Comparative Librarianship will give an introductory talk to examine what is meant by international and comparative research in LIS, what can be learned from such research, and outline what special pitfalls and challenges are to be considered. The introduction will be followed by a panel of LIS journal editors discussing and evaluating the international and comparative LIS research submitted to their journals. The webinar will also include two presentations of international research by Anna Maria Tammaro and Amy van Scoy.


  • Peter Lor (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
  • Anna Maria Tammaro (University of Parma, Italy)
  • Amy van Scoy (University at Buffalo, USA)


  • Kendra Albright and Theo Bothma (Libri)
  • Juan Daniel Machin Mastromatteo (Information Development)
  • Steve Witt (IFLA Journal)


  • Krystyna Matusiak (University of Denver, USA)
  • Egbert Sanchez (National Autonomous University of Mexico)
  • Stefan Schmunk (University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany)

Organized by the IFLA Library Theory and Research Section

Call for LIS educator participation in research methods teaching survey

IFLA Library Theory and Research (LTR) Section in collaboration with the Education and Training Section is conducting an international study, Teaching Research Methods in Library and Information Science (LIS) programs. The focus of the study is on professional preparation programs – Bachelor’s or Master’s level programs that offer the degree or credentials required to work as a librarian or information professional. The goals of the study are to examine what approaches to teaching research methods are currently being applied in LIS programs worldwide and to compare international educational models for preparing library practitioners to conduct research and evaluation studies.

We invite LIS educators to participate in this research and share their experiences in teaching research methods courses. Have you taught a research methods course for a LIS program in the past 3 years? If you have experience teaching research methods courses in the last 3 years and agree to participate, you will be asked to read and complete a questionnaire that will take 10 minutes and participate in a brief interview conducted using Zoom or Skype, that will take approximately 20-30 minutes. Your participation is completely voluntary. The link to the questionnaire is:

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Krystyna Matusiak, IFLA LTR Chair [email protected].

LTR Satellite Meeting Postponed

The IFLA Library Theory and Research with Social Science Libraries and IFLA Journal satellite meeting that was planned to be held in Dublin, Ireland, in August, has been postponed due to the cancellation of the IFLA WLIC for 2020.

We look forward to further communications regarding a satellite meeting to coincide with the IFLA WLIC in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in 2021.

IBI and IFLA Congress: Librarianship, Information Studies and New Media International Perspectives

IBI and IFLA Library Theory and Research, Latin America and the Caribbean and News Media Sections present the Congreso International Bibliotecología, Estudios de la Información, Medio de Comunicación. Perspectivas Internationales. 3-6 Marzo/March 2020 at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico/Mexico City.

Reduciendo la Brecha entre Invesigacion y Practica en Bibliotecología / Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice in Library Science and Acopio y Preservación de Documentos de Origen Digital de Medio de Comunicación / Capture and Presearvation of Born Digital News Media.

Call for Papers – IFLA Satellite Meeting “International Research in LIS: Challenges and Opportunities”

We are pleased to announce the IFLA Library Theory and Research with Social Science Libraries and IFLA Journal satellite meeting to be held in Dublin, Ireland, 13-14 August 2020. Please see IFLA Satellite Meetings ( for details.

Submission of abstracts is 7 March 2020.

We envisage a workshop-style meeting with a practical focus, aimed at improving the quality of international and comparative LIS research. The emphasis will be on how to do good research, particularly the nuts and bolts of researching internationally. Any social science/information science research methods can be applied in international and comparative librarianship, but we aim to raise awareness of the potential impact of national, linguistic and cultural differences.

The target audience for the meeting will include post-graduate students, post-doc and other researchers, faculty supervising graduate research, editors of LIS journals, and other interested LIS professionals.

We anticipate that contributions will cover topics such as:

  • Theory and research paradigms in international and internationally comparative research
  • Insights from other international/comparative disciplines  (e.g. Comparative Education or Global Studies Education; Transnational sociology; Political science; Transnational Business Studies; Organizational Anthropology; Media/Communication Studies)
  • Methodology for international and internationally comparative research: including choices between quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches
  • Comparative method: aspects peculiar to comparative research design and research strategy.
  • Ethics in international research
  • International research collaboration
  • Open research data

The language of the event will be English. Simultaneous interpretation will not be available, but contributions in other IFLA languages may be considered if relevant arrangements can be made in consultation with the Organizing Committee.

Direct enquiries to:
Dr Krystyna Matusiak
Email: [email protected].

Satellite Conference “Transforming LIS education for professionals in a global world”

Draft programme and keynotes: 

IFLA Global vision has highlighted an active role of libraries participating in the UN’s 2030 Agenda to contribute to the achievement of strategic goals for sustainable development. In an increasingly global world, using the opportunities of technology, professionals find themselves extending the traditional role with a new professional ethic. The Satellite Conference starting from the scenario described by the White Paper published by the BSLISE Group (Building Strong LIS education) will stimulate the discussion in one day and half of interactive conversations (30-31 August) led by the Sessions Chairs: Javarani Raju (IFLA SET – Co-Chair BSLISE), Kevin Rioux (ASIS&T SIG ED), Anna Maria Tammaro and Krystyna Matusiak (IFLA LTR), with two keynotes: David Lankes and Lynn Silipigni Connaway. The conclusions will be done by Theo Bothma (Chair IFLA LTR)-

David Lankes

David Lankes is a professor and the director of the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science. Lankes has always been interested in combining theory and practice to create active research projects that make a difference. His work has been funded by organizations such as The MacArthur Foundation, The Institute for Library and Museum Services, NASA, The U.S. Department of Education, The U.S. Department of Defense, The National Science Foundation, The U.S. State Department, and The American Library Association.

Lankes is a passionate advocate for libraries and their essential role in today’s society earning him the American Library Association’s Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship in 2016. He also seeks to understand how information approaches and technologies can be used to transform industries. In this capacity he has served on advisory boards and study teams in the fields of libraries, telecommunications, education, and transportation including at the National Academies. He has been a visiting fellow at the National Library of Canada, The Harvard School of Education, and was the first fellow of ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy. His book,The Atlas of New Librarianship won the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature.

Lynn Silipigni Connaway

Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Ph.D., is Director of Library Trends and User Research and leads the User Studies research at OCLC Research. She is the Past President of the Association of Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) and was the Chair of the American Library Association (ALA) Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Value of Academic Libraries Committee. Lynn held the Chair of Excellence position at the Departmento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, was a Visiting Researcher in the Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield and a Visiting Scholar at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark. She has received research funding from the IMLS in the US and Jisc and the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK. Lynn was the project lead on the ALA ACRL “Action-Oriented Research Agenda on Library Contributions to Student Learning and Success.” Dr. Connaway is the co-author of the 4th and 5th editions of Basic Research Methods for Librarians and of the 6th edition, titled Research Methods in Library and Information Science. Prior to joining OCLC Research, she was the Vice-President of Research and Library Systems at NetLibrary, the director of the Library and Information Services Department at the University of Denver, and on the faculty of the Library and Informational Science program at the University of Missouri, Columbia. To find out more about Dr. Connaway, visit