Dear followers,
today we are writing a quite different article, because we wanted to introduce you to the people behind this blog, the twitter and our diigo accounts.
Our team is composed of enssib students involved in the IFLA LTR workshop. This workshop was created in 2011 by Raphaëlle Bats, information coordinator for the LTR section. This is the third consecutive year that students have the opportunity to discover how an organization such as the IFLA works.
As part of the workshop, we meet once a month to have a review on the LTR news and to work on our respective tasks. We’re all dealing with the information monitoring
on LIS and on Libraries and books history in order to supply our diigo accounts. We communicate our monitoring via twitter (@IFLA_LTR) and this blog. Our monitoring is primarily for researchers in the fields mentioned above, to inform them on the latest resources, upcoming conferences, call for papers, etc …
Here is a small presentation of each team member. Some of us will be at the IFLA 2014 Congress in Lyon this summer. If you plan to be part of the event, don’t hesitate to come by and say hello.
Information monitoring on LIS, blog. I joined the team in the fall of 2012 while studying my first Master year at the enssib. I wanted to be part of this workshop because it is about “international”.
I do information monitoring on libraries and books history and I sometimes translate texts for the newsletter. I joined the team in october 2013. I found it interesting to be part of this group work on libraries oriented toward “international cooperation”. Moreover, I have a BA in History and the idea of monitoring in the field of books and libraries history was not unpleasant.
I do information monitoring and participate to the communication of the LTR section by translating texts for the newsletters release. I joined the group at the end of 2013 to have an overview of what international relations are in preparation for the IFLA Congress which is taking place in Lyon this summer .
I am part of the team who is managing the LTR twitter and I am monitoring on LIS for the Diigo. I joined the team in october 2013, for me it was a unique opportunity to discover the IFLA, to meet the international professionnal community and to acquire new skills.
I am taking part in the making of the newsletters (in english and french) and doing information monitoring. To participate to the IFLA LTR workshop is an occasion for me to contribute to the international community, to acquire new skills and to be part of a motivated team.
I am part of the group who is monitoring on libraries and books history. I am also dealing with the writing and the publishing of our articles. With Pauline I also remind the other members of the team the schedule we established for the articles publication. I joined the team in october 2013 because I am very interseted in international cooperation and I always oriented my studies in this way before I came to the enssib. I am also a voluntary for th IFLA 2014 Congress and I am looking forward to meeting librarians from various horizons.
I do information monitoring on LIS. I joined the team in october 2013 to be able to work as a team.
I do monitoring on libraries and books history. I deal with the blog (wrinting, publication of the articles) and with the twitter. With Alexia, I also remind the schedule to the other members. I joined the team in october 2013 because I have a great interest in international relations. I also like to work as a team and this workshop enables me to discover the IFLA in a new way.
I studied medieval History and I am now studiying librarianship at the enssib. I joined the team in january 2014 to enlarge my professionnal monitoring in LIS to the international and to take advantage of the collaborative practices of the LTR community. I am especially doing monitoring on LIS and sometimes on libraries and books Hitory.
I launched this workshop in 2011, after being appointed as the information coordinator for LTR. It has been 3 years that the students are taking part to the workshop and are doing a useful task for our community of librarians, researchers and tutors, for them who are learning the use of new tools. Well done everybody.
Thank you for following us and see you soon for a new article!