Monthly Archives: March 2013

[Information Monitoring] Library and Information Science – Veille : Sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques

Here is a short summary of what we found interesting this month to share with you about library and information science.

Voici un résumé de ce que nous avons trouvé intéressant ce mois-ci de partager avec vous au sujet des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques.


© Laurent Defrance
«Une “digital library” qui raconte l’ère numérique et la disparition du papier.»

1 : Appel à communication / Call for papers

DC-2013 – Linking to the Future, Lisbon

Library 2.013 Conference: future of libraries

Russian academy of sciences: “Digital libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections”

Call for papers, IFLA, Singapore, 2013: Expanding MARC Metadata Services with Linked Open Data.

 2 : Conférences / Conferences

EBLIDA-NAPLE conference : program available. Dates : 14-16th May 2013

CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication : at the CERN, Geneva, 19-21th June, 2013.

ABF, La bibliothèque, fabrique du citoyen : Le 59e congrès de l’ABF se déroulera du 6 au 8 juin 2013 au Centre de Congrès de Lyon

3 :  Nominations / Awards

Worldwide Books Award for Publications from the Art Libraries Society of North America

 4 : Publications

e-Library Science Research Journal : a new e-Library Science Research Journal

De Gruyter Open Access : a new video

 5 : Resources

New portal of resources on LIS research in Pakistan : PakLisResearch : leading the way in LIS research in Pakistan

Les questions juridiques liées à l’Open Access : une vidéo de Jean Martin, Avocat à la cour de Paris

ReportLinker for Libraries

[Information Monitoring] Latest News : Book History – Veille : Histoire du livre

As it is necessary for a researcher to be aware of the latest news concerning his field of research, the LTR section is here to keep you updated.
Every month, a blog post will give you the latest news about book history. It will include useful information, such as calls for paper, last publications…on books, their evolution through time and space, their materiality, their issues, and actors.

source : cc remidot, compte flick’r

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