Tag Archives: Stand Committee

Lyon 2014, ville merveilleuse!

Transformational declaration from the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) 2014 World Library and Information Congress in Lyon


A view of the iconic Basilique Notre Dame de Fourvière in Lyon, seen from the Place des Terreaux.

The Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development “aims to positively influence the United Nations post-2015 development agenda… The framework will succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and set the agenda for development for the next decade.” (http://conference.ifla.org/ifla80/node/522) Signatories from more than 270 institutions worldwide have already signed on, and delegates were sent forth to encourage home institutions to join in this important endeavor. For more information see (http://www.lyondeclaration.org/).

The Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section

The IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources “concerns itself with all issues which make serial publications unique in both the print and electronic environments.”(http://www.ifla.org/about-the-serials-and-continuing-resources-section) In addition to meeting twice and going to dinner together, our Standing Committee partnered with the Academic and Research Libraries Section and the Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters to organize a well-attended program on big data (see below).


Standing Committee members posing at the Place Antonin Poncet before the group dinner at Le Sud Restaurant are, from left to right, Christina McCawley , West Chester University; Paul Hover, Virginia Tech (blogger, wearing hat); Sharon Dyas-Correia (Chair), University of Toronto; Margaret Mering (Secretary), University of Nebraska Lincoln; and Helen Adey (Information Coordinator), Nottingham Trent University.

Some of the other members (or soon to be members) of the committee who attended are pictured below:

And some family members attended the group dinner:

A story of new friends, new IFLA destinations, and new hats


New friends (from left to right) Anne Verneuil, president of the Association des Bibliothécaires de France (ABF) (French Librarians Association); Paul Hover, Virginia Tech (VT); Senovia Welman, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (wearing Paul’s hat); and Lynn Kleinveldt, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), Cape Town, South Africa. CPUT and VT have a librarian exchange program starting this academic year.

After the Closing Session, I took some photographs commemorating some new-found friendships. It was also at this photo session I lost my hat. Actually, I gave it to Senovia. She had beamed a warm South African smile at me and said she had long puzzled over the right souvenir to remind her of IFLA’s 80th Congress, but now realized that she would “loooooove” to have my hat! Well, colleagues, I did exactly what you would have done. I took it off and placed it on her head. As everyone stood admiring Senovia, incredulously, in my favorite hat, I made a deal with her:

“Next year in Cape Town let us meet again, and you may replace it with an uber cool hat made in South Africa if you wish.”

“DONE!” It was all she needed to say to get my first meeting for IFLA’s 81st Congress in Cape Town on the calendar…


Having lost my Panamá hat, I needed something to protect me from the hot sun reflecting off the Rhône. Our French friends knew just the solution: a genuine béret  Basque.

Nous vous remercions beaucoup, Lyon!

More information on our Section’s co-presented programme:

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Singapore 2013: great friends, superb food, amazing shopping, inspiring programme!


OPENING CEREMONY 2013-08-18 11.47.44

The Opening Ceremony of the 2013 IFLA WLIC was a feast of color–a fitting preview of the colorful experience awaiting us all in Singapore, a city of unbounded diversity.

The Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources (SOCRS) met four times at the 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

Our Standing Committee met officially twice during the congress, sponsored a well-attended programme, and met informally for a delicious dinner in the Singapore district of Little India. Here are a few photos of our dinner:


Members of our French contingent, from right to left, Francoise Pellé , ISSN International Centre, France, and Jean-Louis Baraggioli, Director Centre Technique du Libre de l’Enseignement Supérieur, enjoying a tasty dish of Indian curry.


BRITISH 2013-08-18 20.04.06

Chair Helen Adey, right, Resource Acquisition & Supply Team Manager, Nottingham Trent University, with her delightful family.



Americans, from left to right,  Christina McCawley, Serials & Acquisitions Librarian, West Chester University, and Martha A. Spoers, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan. Martha was one of our programme presenters.



Incoming Secretary of our committee, Margaret Mering, Coordinator of Cataloging and Metadata, University of Nebraska Lincoln, smiling in the foreground, with (right) outgoing Secretary Helen Heinrich, Chair, Technical Services Department, California State University, Northridge, with her husband (far left), enjoying the spicy dinner and hearty companionship.

Conference Session 165, Congress track 3: Users driving access and services.

Singapore panel

The panel of speakers at our session (from left to right) were Wilma Mossink (MC), Ann Okerson, Helen Heinrich, David Tempest, and Martha A. Speirs.

Our committee’s session was titled: Gold mining! Text and data mining of journals: librarians, publishers and researchers excavating the treasure trove. Panelists were from Azerbaijan, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA, and included librarians, administrators, and publishers. Individual presentations were as follows: Continue reading