From our colleague, Gaëlle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre
The annual meeting of Directors of ISSN Centres was hosted this year by the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat (November 7-10, 2017). Twenty-seven countries were represented with participants coming from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America. IFLA WLIC 2017 featured high on the agenda with presentations about the new Library Reference Model (LRM) and the revision of ISBD. Another hot topic was the release in January 2018 of the new ISSN web portal based on linked data technologies. The ISSN International Centre has been working for one year with the French IT company Progilone to set up a RDF triplestore based on the specific ISSN data model designed by the ISSN International Centre. ISSN applicants will also use a new extranet to register their publications’ data and track the status of their requests. Other features shall include online report of titles for which a given publisher assumes editorial responsibility, and online request for modification regarding the metadata describing serial publications under the responsibility of any publisher. These new services are developed within the framework of the 2015-2018 strategy of the ISSN International Centre approved by member countries. Follow the ISSN International Centre on social media to find out more.
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