The project of electronic database “Reading and Library Audience: Library Science and Sociological Research” is being implemented by two of the largest libraries in Russia (Russian State Children’s Library, Russian National Library).
In Russia there is a large and well-developed network of libraries of various types. The composition of the library audience, the motives and content of reading, the behavior of real and online library users are constantly changing. Observing these processes, many libraries conduct research on the interests of their users, study the demand for the library and its services, and the satisfaction of the population with library services.
The goal of our project is to create and develop an electronic resource that includes the constant collection of information on sociological and library studies on reading and the readership conducted by Russian libraries, including in partnership with other organizations (research centers, Universities etc.). The project is interdisciplinary and is carried out “at the intersection” of library science and sociology. The database contains over 120 studies, conducted in different parts of Russia and on a national scale.
The site of the project “Reading and Library Audience: Library Science and Sociological Research” includes a constantly updated database that contains:
- full-text documents of the methodological base of research, reports, articles and other documents, which reflect the results of research activities of Russian libraries;
- additional information on reading and readership studies obtained by third parties outside of libraries and library research.
Organization of replenishment of the database of research activities and provision of free access to it:
- enables all interested parties to receive information about research carried out annually in libraries of various types (public, children’s, youth and other libraries).
- serves as a basis for monitoring the research activities of libraries;
- allows to do a secondary analysis of research data, to study changes in the reading and behavior of visitors to libraries of various types and types;
- contributes to the development of comparable indicators of reading study, library visitors and library services;
- helps the organization and conduct of corporate research, will allow researchers to create interregional working groups for complex research;
- initiates the development of methods for assessing the effectiveness and quality of library activities, a comprehensive analysis of the state of library services to the population.
Joint efforts on regular current and retrospective replenishment of the database will make it possible to solve the assigned tasks, including helping each specific library in its research activities, as well as provide an idea of the state of reading and reader preferences, library services, as in a regional and on a national scale.
On March 18-19, 2021, the Second Scientific and Practical Laboratory “We Study Reading: Formats and Practices” in a hybrid format with the support of the Russian Library Association (Section of Children’s Libraries and Section on Reading) was held at the Russian State Children’s Library. More than 1000 specialists from Russia, Kazahstan, China (Shanhai) joined the work of the laboratory. Specialists whose researches already included in database “Reading and Library Audience: Library Science and Sociological Research” presented reports on the materials of their current research. All the materials are available on the website of Russian State Children’s Library
For further information please contact Kolosova Elena [email protected]