Category Archives: LTR Events

[LTR Events] Lettre d’information de la section LTR, n°7, janvier 2015

Chers et chères collègues,

nous vous proposons une version abrégée de la lettre d’information de la section LTR (Library Theory and Research) en français.

2015 : Janvier

Vous trouverez dans cette lettre des informations sur :

  • Un appel pour un prix IFLA De Gruyter
  • Les conférences de 2014
  • Les appels à communication pour les conférences de 2015
  • La veille autour de la recherche en bibliothéconomie
  • Notre groupe Linked In
  • ….

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question concernant notre section ou les événements que nous organisons.


[LTR’s Event] Call for papers, IFLA 2015, Digital preservation as a site of contestation

IFLA’s Library Theory and Research Section LTR invites you to submit a proposal for its satellite meeting, in link with the 81st IFLA World Library and Information Congress, Cape Town South Africa.

12-13 August 2015. University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa (Day 1) ; Robben Island, South Africa (Day 2)

Theme : Digital preservation as a site of contestation: national heritage, memory, politics and power – beyond technology and management

Please refer to the IFLA WLIC 2015 website for full details.

Deadline : 21 February 2015

[LTR’s Event] Call for papers, IFLA 2015, The Lyon Declaration in Action: Measuring the Impact of Access to Information and Development

IFLA’s Library Theory and Research Section LTR) joint with Statistics and Evaluation Section SSE) invites you to submit a proposal for its open programme at the 81st IFLA World Library and Information Congress to be held in Cape Town South Africa, 15-21 August 2015.

Theme : The Lyon Declaration in Action: Measuring the Impact of Access to Information and Development

Please refer to the IFLA WLIC 2015 website for full details.

Deadline : 28th February 2015

[LTR’s Event] Call for papers, IFLA 2015, Quality assurance of Library and information science (LIS) programs

The Education and Training Section joint with Library Theory and Research Section and LIS Education in Developing Countries Special Interest Group invite proposals for our joint open session at the next IFLA Congress in Cape Town, South Aftrica.

Theme: Quality assurance of Library and information science (LIS) programs

See the full call for papers on the IFLA WLIC 2015 website.


Deadline : 18th January 2015


IFLA WLIC 2014 | #4 IFLA Professional Unit Communication Award

We are very pleased to announce you that the IFLA Professional Unit Communication Award has been awarded to our section Library Theory and Research (LTR).

Raphaëlle Bats (enssib, France), Information Coordinator of LTR, has received with pride and emotion this award for the section.

closure ceremony IFLA 2014

closure ceremony IFLA 2014

Raphaëlle Bats is working on the communication of LTR with a team of students from enssib, the national school for librarians in France. You can find a presentation of all the students on the LTR’s blog, here.

a part of our Enssib's IFLA team.

a part of our Enssib’s IFLA team.

The communication of our section has two parts :

1/ information monitoring activity : we are selecting for you some information about LIS, history of books and history of libraries :

  • calls for papers, call for posters, call for books…
  • conferences, workshop, meetings…
  • Publications, ressources…
  • Awards and Grants…

2/ diffusion : we are diffusing these information on :

Book History :
History of Libraries :

3/ you can also contact us :

​See you soon,