Monthly Archives: December 2013

[Information Monitoring] Latest news : Book History – Veille : Histoire du livre

As it is necessary for a researcher to be aware of the latest news concerning his field of research, the LTR section is here to keep you updated.
Every month, a blog post will give you the latest news about book history. It will include useful information, such as calls for paper, last publications…on books, their evolution through time and space, their materiality, their issues, and actors.

Comme il est primordial pour un chercheur d’effectuer une veille régulière sur son domaine de recherche, la section LTR se propose de consacrer  une partie de son blog à cette tâche.
Chaque mois, un billet relayera les dernières actualités en matière d’histoire du livre. Il sera question des informations utiles à la recherche : appels à communication, dernières parutions…autour du livre et son évolution dans le temps et l’espace, sa matérialité, ses enjeux.

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Latest News : Library and Information Science

Appel à communication / Call for papers

SIBMAS – TLA 2014 Conference: Body, Mind, Artifact: Reimagining Collections. Takes place in New York City, in June 2014. Deadline for submitting summaries of proposals is on the 31st of December 2013.

Aligning data and research infrastructure – IASSIST. 40th anniversary conference June3-6, 2014. The deadline for submission is on the 9th of December 2013.

World book capital nomination 2016, UNESCO. Deadline: Friday 25 April 2014.

Image Blog

Audiovisual and Multimedia Section & Information Technology Section, IFLA. Theme: User and Interface Challenges Related to Audiovisual and Multimedia Access. Deadline: January 31, 2014.

Open Repositories Conference in Helsinki in June 2014. Deadline : February 3, 2014. Continue reading