Monthly Archives: October 2014

ECIL conference

The 2014 ECIL (European Council on Information Literacy) recently held their conference:

The 2015 ECIL conference will be held October 19-22, 2015, at her Institute, Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia. For details, go to

Lyon Declaration signatories

The Literacy and Reading Section (LiR) made a commitment to support the Lyon Declaration ( at the 2014 IFLA Conference. The Section is asking you to take this to your corner of the world by emailing/writing/contacting institutions, organisations and associations. At present signatories need to be from these bodies – personal signatures may come later. Institutions, organisations and associations you might target include:

·         schools, vocational education institutions, universities, private educational organisations;

·         other library associations (state/province, national), libraries (local, state/province, national), other educational associations, Parents & Friends groups;

·         other groups concerned with literacy, NGOs, indigenous groups;

·         cultural groups, arts, galleries, museums, archives;

·         publishers and distributors, book councils;

·         library systems developers, and distributors;

·         mining companies, small and large businesses; and

·         anyone else.

You can use the following as a template for your message.

Dear Colleagues/To Whom it may concern,

At the recent International Federation of School Libraries (IFLA) conference the Lyon Declaration on Access to Information and Development (www.lyondeclaration) was launched. This declaration calls on Member States of the United Nations to acknowledge that access to information, and the skills to use it effectively, are required for sustainable development.

 The Lyon Declaration outlines the need for access to information to be recognised in the United Nations post-2015 development framework. The framework will succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and set the agenda for development for the next decade. We urge your institution/organisation to sign the Declaration to support this motion.

 You can become part of this global movement and sign the Declaration by contacting IFLA’s Policy and Projects Officer, Julia Brungs. Include the:

·         full name of your organisation, and

·         name of your authorized signatory who can represent the organisation.

Please indicate whether you grant IFLA permission to publish the name of your organisation on the Lyon Declaration website.

 Many thanks in anticipation of your support. Only when everyone has the opportunity, literacy skills and ability to access information will sustainable development and the possibility of a truly global society become a reality.

IFLA 2015 conference poster proposals

Are you involved in an interesting project or in an area of work that you would like to discuss with or show to other congress attendees? Why not present your work in the IFLA Poster Sessions?

Format & Presentation

Your topic could be described on a printed poster or by photographs, graphics and pieces of text that you attach to the presentation panel. All IFLA official languages – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish – are welcome.

Presenters of a poster will be expected to be present on Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 August 2015 in order to explain their poster and to hand out any leaflets, or other information materials, they have available for viewers of their poster. Each presenter can therefore only present one poster. Any organization that submits more than one application should indicate a priority to their submissions.


Conference participants interested in presenting a poster should complete the online application form.

It is important that applicants describe how they intend to illustrate the project in the poster format. The poster has to be an experience in itself for the one who looks at it – and should show awareness of the poster format.

Special consideration will be given to ensure that a variety of topics and geographical/cultural range will be represented.

The deadline is 2 February 2015, after the deadline applications will no longer be accepted.

A jury representing the IFLA Professional Committee will review all submissions and at the congress they will select the winner of the IFLA Poster 2015 based on the criteria below.

Does the topic of the poster:

  • Look interesting and/or inspiring;
  • Look lively;
  • Lend itself to a poster session; is not too abstract;
  • Present new ideas or present an application of technology;
  • Appear to be clearly explained;
  • Not duplicate another poster, nor have the same presenter as another poster (a presenter must be present during the poster session to explain the poster to viewers);
  • Have a relationship to the theme of the WLIC;
  • Have a clear library relevance or perspective;
  • Describe a project that is ongoing or near completion, not one that is yet to start.

For complete and up-to-date information concerning Poster Sessions, please see the Call for Posters webpage on the IFLA WLIC 2015 conference website.

If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].

Woody Horton honored

The Board of the National Forum on Information Literacy enthusiastically authorized and awarded Woody Horton  their first Certificate of Excellence for his work in facilitating the UNESCO publication of Overview of Information Literacy Resources Worldwide. Woody Horton’s continued support and passion for information literacy practice is just boundless and the Board so appreciate all that he does on behalf of information literacy at home and abroad.

Canadian Book Week 2015

TD Canadian Children’s Book Week is the single most important national event celebrating Canadian children’s books and the importance of reading. Over 28,000 children, teens and adults participate in activities held in every province and territory across the country. Hundreds of schools, public libraries, bookstores and community centres host events as part of this major literary festival. TD Canadian Children’s Book Week 2015 will take place from May 2nd to May 9th. This coming year, Book Week is celebrating the remarkable variety of topics, genres and voices being published by and about members of Canada’s Indigenous communities. The official theme is Hear Our Stories: Celebrating First Nations, Métis and Inuit Literature. Manitoba is very fortunate to be hosting two authors. Award-winning actress and author, Meg Tilly, writes junior fiction and young adult novels. They include A Taste of Heaven, Behind the Scenes¸ and Porcupine. Shelly Sanders is the author of the Rachel trilogy: Rachel’s Secret, Rachel’s Promise and Rachel’s Hope. Her presentations take audiences back to Imperial Russia and her books are widely used in Holocaust education.

For more information about TD Canadian Children’s Book Week 2015, please visit There you will find author profiles, descriptions of their presentations, theme guide information and much more. If you are interested in hosting a presentation at your school or library, online applications are available on the web site. The deadline for applications is December 31st, 2014. Gail Hamilton, Manitoba Book Week Coordinator 2015 204-654-3721 [email protected]

Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference

Join us on October 9 at 1:00 p.m. EST for the following online event part of the Library 2.014 Worldwide Virtual Conference:

Libraries as a Safe Heaven in Times of Conflict

Moderator: Loida Garcia-Febo, Chair ALA International Relations Committee, President of Information New Wave



Session Description:

Libraries are helping people in cities experiencing conflict around the globe by providing shelter, basic needs and books. They are liaising with organizations to bring services into their communities. In times of armed conflicts, crises and natural disasters, libraries are playing a key role in the recovery process helping to keep families together and rebuild communities. Libraries are saving lives and providing hope in uncertain times.

Join us for a program featuring librarians from regions experiencing crisis who will share insightful strategies that may help you to 1) help others in your region, 2) equip yourself to take action if needed, 3) learn ways in which you can help libraries in cities currently in conflict. 

For information on how to attend this online event and how to check your computer for it, visit the following page: 

Background articles:

Bustamante, Cesar Jr. “Ferguson libraries step up to serve community in turmoil.” Library Journal, 26 Aug. 2014.  Web.  4 Sept. 2014.

Celedón, A., Pequeño, A., Garrido, M., & Patin, B. (2012). Disaster response in Chile: The critical role of libraries and telecenters. Research Brief. Seattle: Technology & Social Change Group, University of Washington Information School.

“IFLA Principles of Engagement in library-related activities in times of conflict, crisis or disaster.” IFLA, 5 Aug. 2013. Web. 4 Sept. 2014.

A bibliography will be provided during the event.