Monthly Archives: August 2018

Read-aloud resources

Read-alouds can not only improve students’ vocabulary, understanding of syntax, and grasp of story structure, but also be a source of enjoyment and instill in them a love of books. Use these online resources to improve your own dramatic reading aloud skills and recommend them to parents to use at home.

Reading and school libraries study

Singaporean Loh Chin Ee studied the reading habits of Singapore teenagers based on a survey conducted in six secondary schools between January and March 2017. The research question that guided this survey was: What are the reading habits and practices of Singapore adolescents between 12 to 17 years old?

This first part of a larger study on reading and school libraries is complete. Please find attached the final copy:

Standards for preparing literacy professionals

Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals 2017 sets forth the criteria for developing and evaluating preparation programs for literacy professionals. Developed by literacy experts across the United States, the standards focus on the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for effective educational practice in a specific role and highlight contemporary research and evidence-based practices in curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership. The updated standards address the need for a broader definition of literacy beyond reading to include writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing in both print and digital realms.

Watch the Standards 2017 overview video

Standards for specialized literacy professionals matrix (including reading/literacy specialists)

Standards for classroom teachers matrix

More details about Standards 2017 can be found in the FAQ. To purchase a copy of Standards 2017, click here.

American Library Association conference

Over 20,000 librarians and supporters attended the American Library Association conference in New Orleans June 23-26. Several sessions informed teacher librarians.

ALA’s Research and Statistics Committee created a research agenda, which can guide IASL research efforts. The four priorities include: measuring the library’s impact; strengthening the library’s adaptive responses to change; supporting diversity, equity and inclusion; and evaluating strategies for staff development.

In 2017 the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) created new standards, which align learner, librarian and program standards ( They have a growing number of resource to help teacher librarians implement these standards.

AASL also announced their selection of the best apps and websites for teaching and learning:

YALSA developed a teen literacy toolkit (, which used the “fake news” phenomenon as an approach to addressing multiple literacies. They discuss culturally-inclusive literacies strategies library staff can use with teens to help them make sense of their world and build a robust set of skills as they prepare to enter college or start careers.

Reported by Lesley Farmer