Jieyin Feng
Shanghai Library
I received a MLS from the University of South Florida, USA in 1998, and since then have worked as a reference librarian in the Shanghai Library, China, providing services to the general public in a city with a population of over 25 million. We also receive readers from all over the world.
I served two terms as a standing committee member of the IFLA Reference and Information Services section (2003-2011), then two terms for the Government Information and Official Publications section (2011-2019). I hope my experience working for these two sections and as a long-standing librarian in a large public library can allow me to make more contributions to the Public Libraries section.
I’m also willing to participate in all the activities involving the section, work with my international colleagues as a trustworthy member, and help to advocate the missions and goals of the section.
For more information about voting for members of the Public Libraries Standing Committee take the time to read our post