CPDWL Podcast Project Season 4, Episode 3: Carmen Lei, CPDWL SC Member (in 廣東話/Cantonese-Chinese)

Colleagues, we are excited to announce the our newest episode (season 4) of the CPDWL Podcast Project where we feature library and information professionals who support and participate in professional development work.

See here for the podcast (this conversation is in Cantonese-Chinese. For translation, please see below)

Our host for this episode is Ray Pun (CPDWL). Our guest is Carmen Lei, CPDWL Standing Committee Member.

This episode’s guest is Carmen Lei. Carmen Lei is the Librarian at Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, standing committee member of IFLA CPDWL 2019-2023, council member of Macao Library and Information Management Association and

Chairperson of the Macao Academic Library Alliance 2023-2024. Carmen Lei 現任為澳門旅遊學院圖書館館長,2019-2023 IFLA 繼續職業發展與職場學習委員會委員,澳門圖書館暨資訊管理協會理事及2023-2024澳門高校圖書館聯盟主席

Transcript (Traditional Chinese)

Ray : [00:00:01.62]大家好,我是Ray Pun ,歡迎大家收聽IFLA CPDWL 的podcast 項目,我們平日都會邀請圖書館界的同事去分享他們的工作,希望大家喜歡今天這一節!今天嘉賓是澳門的Carmen Lei!


Carmen: [00:00:30.39] [00:00:30.00]你好,大家好。


Ray : [00:00:32.49] 歡迎你!今天我們會嘗試以廣東話、英語來做這個節目,Carmen,你有些活動可跟大家聊聊嗎?你可否分享你現在身於什麼地方?你的工作等等。


Carmen: [00:00:59.70] 好 [00:01:00.00]大家好,首先我很感謝Ray 今天的邀請!在這個平台跟大家分享我的工作!我是Carmen !我的工作地點是在澳門。


Ray : [00:01:13.36] 你是做那一類型的圖書館?


Carmen: [00:01:16.06] 我主要在一所大專院校的圖書館工作,學院名稱為「澳門旅遊學院」,這所學院主要提供本科及研究生有關旅遊及酒店業相關的課程 [00:01:30.00]而我是這所圖書館的館長。


Ray : [00:01:38.24]如果你需要用一個字形容你自己的性格,你認為可以用什麼詞呢?


Carmen: [00:01:47.18]用一個去形容都比較難! 因為我都很貪心呢!如果真的要用一個詞來形容自己?我認為是承擔力,我認為做每一件事都一定要有責任心,[00:02:00.00]要勇於承擔,這個態度是非常緊要。但我會希望把這個問題改變為:自己在別人心目中是一個怎樣的人呢?例如別人想起Carmen,他們對我的評價是怎樣? 而我希望自己在職場上,或在不同崗位上,都是一個被人信賴的人! 我希望自己可以成為一個 [00:02:30.00]有我在。別人就會覺得安心的一個人啦!


Ray : [00:02:32.96] 講得非常好。請問你怎樣開始在圖書館工作呢? 你可否分享你的故事呢?


Carmen: [00:02:43.16] 可以。我想起在自己修讀本科課程的時候,都很希望累積 [00:03:00.00]一些工作經驗,而剛好學院有一個為期十個月的[管理實習生]項目,這個項目主要在課堂後到圖書館工作,在這個機緣巧合,我便開始接觸圖書館,亦非常喜歡這個工作嘅氛圍,自己開始慢慢在圖書館這方面繼續進修增值自己 [00:03:30.00]不驚不覺,原來我已經在這個行業呢大約工作了19年的時間!


Ray : [00:03:36.45] 19年呀。


Carmen: [00:03:38.28] 是的!好像很久了。(笑)


Ray : [00:03:40.41] 不是不是!不過你工作了這麼多年,應該都有很多經驗跟大家分享。


Carmen: [00:03:47.07] 都要不斷學習吧!因為我們這個行業都有很多不同的學習機會!直至現在還是非常喜歡我的工作呢!


Ray : [00:03:59.67] 對 [00:04:00.00]我想問你對[世界圖書館學]有什麼感受呢?


Carmen: [00:04:07.23]我認為這個話題跟我初接觸圖書館的時代有很大的轉變!特別在服務創新方面!初入職圖書館工作時我們比較著重資源管理!怎樣提供一站式的服務給讀者,盡量去滿足讀者的需求, [00:04:30.00]現在這個[世界圖書館學]已經轉變了很多,例如我們開始著重SDG,探討持續的發展!圖書館可以怎樣肩負起這個責任!也會探討有關區域性的合作,知識怎樣共建共享等!


Ray : [00:04:52.32] 在澳門地區,[世界圖書館學] 是你們探討的話題嗎?


Carmen: [00:04:55.71] 我們都會探討這方面的話題。大家 [00:05:00.00] 都會分享對[世界圖書館學]的看法!特別在covid 下,過往3年對世界各地不同類型的圖書館都有很大的轉變,我們會探討疫情後的新常態,無論大家在什麼類型的圖書館工作,目的都希望辦到停課不停學,怎樣把圖書館的資源 [00:05:30.00]可以讓讀者隨時隨地使用!


Ray : [00:05:34.65]你可否分享一下你從什麼時候開始了解IFLA?又或者參加有關IFLA 的活動?


Carmen: [00:05:45.24]大家都知道IFLA有很久的歷史,相信在圖書館界大家對IFLA 都不會陌生!但我自己參加IFLA是由WLIC 開始 [00:06:00.00]在2018年,澳門地區的高校圖書館聯盟得到了政府的資助,有機會組織一班圖書館界同仁到馬來西亞吉隆坡參加IFLA WLIC,透過這個機會,我們認識到世界各地圖書館的專家們,自己覺得是一個很好的平台去學習,透過這個平台,讓世界各地的圖書館從業員了解我們本地圖書館的發展 [00:06:30.00]到2019年,我很榮幸當選了IFLA CPDWL,中文名為[繼續職業發展與職場學習委員會]的成員,讓我可以更直接參與在IFLA 專業組別的工作!


Ray : [00:06:48.28]吉隆坡是你第一次參與的IFLA 活動?


Carmen: [00:06:51.10] 對呀!吉隆坡是我第一次參與IFLA 的活動,2019年在希臘,就 [00:07:00.00]是第二次參會!之後因為疫情原因,會議為線上進行,少了機會參與實體會議。這是有關我跟IFLA的少少聯繫吧!


Ray : [00:07:14.65] 你有沒有一個參與IFLA WLIC很難忘的回憶可以跟我們分享下呢?


Carmen: [00:07:24.78] 好的 [00:07:30.00]我參加了兩屆的WLIC,2018年於吉隆坡及2019年在希臘雅典都令我很難忘!今日主要想分享我在CPDWL 的工作,我們的組別有很多不同的項目,自己參與了一項名為’coaching initiative’的項目,我們每個人在工作的職業生涯都會面對很多不同的挑戰,而透過coaching 這個過程,我們可以得到一些專業 [00:08:00.00]人員,或者在職場上從事了很久的圖書館從業員一些啟發,從而令自己建立信心去跨越職場上遇到的問題!通過一對一的COACHING可以啟發自身思考,幫助這位員工發揮他的潛能,我由2019年起開始參與其中,疫情期間透過線上進行, [00:08:30.00]至今已經參與數年!今年2023年於荷蘭鹿特丹將會繼續推行這個項目,現在委員會已經開始籌備工作!說起最難忘呢?除了參與會議,有幸跟世界各地不同的圖書館專家一起分享及學習,當然包括 [00:09:00.00]認識你!因為我們都在2019的WLIC 認識呢!


Ray : [00:09:04.63] 對呀!我在不同場合及會議都看到你呢!


Carmen: [00:09:12.28] 當中包括很多SESSIONS及會議都有很多機會認識世界的圖書館從業員!我覺得非常難忘的。


Ray : [00:09:25.63] 真是很好機會!下一個問題是[00:09:30.00]你對這個職業最感興趣是什麼?


Carmen: [00:09:35.86]在這個工作環境可以發現及認識很多新事物,幫助讀者同時也可以擴展自己的知識及技能,在這個專業領域每日都遇到 [00:10:00.00]新挑戰,例如怎樣去滿足我們的讀者,我相信很多圖書館現在都面臨一個經費的限制,我們可以怎樣在有限的資源下,提供最優質的服務給讀者,都是我們要思考的地方。例如在圖書館工作,自己 [00:10:30.00]需要變得敏銳,去應變社會的變化,所以這是一個充滿挑戰的行業。


Ray : [00:10:44.01] 如果對IFLA 感興趣,你可否提供一些建議呢?


Carmen: [00:10:52.77] 我認為裝備好自己,對業界的發展要有獨覺性, [00:11:00.00]例如參與WLIC是一個很好的機會去初次了解IFLA 的活動!

他們每一年都會招募志願者,我認為是很好的途徑去接觸IFLA [00:11:30.00]因為直接參與活動會有更多的體會!最緊要是首先踏出第一步,要以行動去感受,從行動去認識IFLA!


Ray : [00:11:51.10] 很同意,我認為都要慢慢開始,因為WLIC 有很多認識新朋友的機會, [00:12:00.00] 慢慢去擴闊這個網絡。


Carmen: [00:12:08.50] 對呀!其實IFLA有很多不同的委員會,可透個自己感興趣的委員會,參與他們線上研討會, [00:12:30.00]這個都是一個接觸IFLA 的途徑!


Ray : [00:12:34.54]如果你不在圖書館工作?你認為你會做什麼樣的工作呢?


Carmen: [00:12:47.26] 真是一個很難答的問題!因為我在這個範疇已經很久了!如果真的需要從事令一個工作,自己比較喜歡與青少年及小朋友工作的一個人呢 [00:13:00.00] 我是一個有耐性的人,可能從事教育工作吧! 因為教育是互相影響,互相學習,因為教導人的同時自己的學習更大,因為未來的領袖太重要了。[00:13:30.00]我很希望我的工作上對社會有貢獻,如果我不從事圖書館行業,我應該從事與’青少年’相關的工作。


Ray : [00:13:49.49] 原來這樣!最後一個問題!


Carmen: [00:13:54.99]好。


Ray : [00:13:56.69] 你現在有什麼項目跟進中? [00:14:00.00]可否分享一下?


Carmen: [00:14:04.57] 好!我嘗試用三點來分享我現在的工作! 我工作的地點是澳門旅遊學院,因應學院成為了[土生葡人美食烹飪技藝]-國家級非物質文化遺產的保護單位這個重任, [00:14:30.00]我們要保存[土生菜],因此與其他單位合作,推出土生菜資料庫,而圖書館也要設置土生菜專題室呢!希望構建、收錄與土生菜相關資料、食譜、藏書等等,將這個重要的 [00:15:00.00]資源保存下來,傳承到下一代,讓他們了解這個深厚的文化底蘊,構建這個特藏是我工作其一的任務。


澳門是一個很少的地方,所以合作很重要!由2014起澳門地區便成立了高校圖書館聯盟,把本澳的高等院校圖書館聯合起來 [00:15:30.00]由 2023年起,本人慶幸得到大家的支持而成為新任的聯盟主席,我的任期為2年,希望透過聯盟,為澳門高校教職員及學生提供豐富的學習資源。每年4月是澳門[00:16:00.00]的圖書館周,無論大中小學或高等院校圖書館都忙著舉辦不同活動去支持這個盛事。為了融入國家的發展,早在2017年組織了粵港澳大灣區高校圖書館聯盟,主要目的是促進我們三地圖書館交流,希望可以資源共建共享 [00:16:30.00]我們4月19至21號將會舉辦為期三日的活動,名為[2023粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟年會暨館長論壇],過往因為疫情原因,很多會議都改為線上進行,今次為實體會議,我非常期待,可以跟粵港澳三地圖書館代表[00:17:00.00]交流,這幾個項目讓我感受到將會有一個很充實的2023年。


Ray : [00:17:10.65] 嘩,真的要加油Carmen!


Carmen: [00:17:11.49] 對,我會努力呢!


Ray : [00:17:16.35] 我今天真的很多謝你的分享! [00:17:30.00]真的很有意思,希望聽眾有什麼問題都可以與我們CPDWL 聯絡。


Carmen: [00:17:40.92] 可以呀!我很多謝你的邀請! 讓我有機會跟大家分享我的工作! 如有興趣了解上述分享的項目,歡迎聽眾與我們聯絡。


Ray : [00:17:56.91] 好呀!我們未來時間會令一集的專訪 [00:18:00.00]希望大家再收聽我們的分享吧!! 下次再見!! Bye!


Carmen: [00:18:08.55] Bye。


Transcript (Simplified Chinese)

Ray : [00:00:01.62]大家好,我是Ray Pun ,欢迎大家收听IFLA CPDWL 的podcast 项目,我们平日都会邀请图书馆界的同事去分享他们的工作,希望大家喜欢今天这一节!今天嘉宾是澳门的Carmen Lei!


Carmen: [00:00:30.39] [00:00:30.00]你好,大家好。


Ray : [00:00:32.49] 欢迎你!今天我们会尝试以广东话、英语来做这个节目,Carmen,你有些活动可跟大家聊聊吗?你可否分享你现在身于什么地方?你的工作等等。


Carmen: [00:00:59.70] 好 [00:01:00.00]大家好,首先我很感谢Ray 今天的邀请!在这个平台跟大家分享我的工作!我是Carmen !我的工作地点是在澳门。


Ray : [00:01:13.36] 你是做那一类型的图书馆?


Carmen: [00:01:16.06] 我主要在一所大专院校的图书馆工作,学院名称为「澳门旅游学院」,这所学院主要提供本科及研究生有关旅游及酒店业相关的课程 [00:01:30.00]而我是这所图书馆的馆长。


Ray : [00:01:38.24]如果你需要用一个字形容你自己的性格,你认为可以用什么词呢?


Carmen: [00:01:47.18]用一个去形容都比较难! 因为我都很贪心呢!如果真的要用一个词来形容自己?我认为是承担力,我认为做每一件事都一定要有责任心,[00:02:00.00]要勇于承担,这个态度是非常紧要。但我会希望把这个问题改变为:自己在别人心目中是一个怎样的人呢?例如别人想起Carmen,他们对我的评价是怎样? 而我希望自己在职场上,或在不同岗位上,都是一个被人信赖的人! 我希望自己可以成为一个 [00:02:30.00]有我在。别人就会觉得安心的一个人啦!


Ray : [00:02:32.96] 讲得非常好。请问你怎样开始在图书馆工作呢? 你可否分享你的故事呢?


Carmen: [00:02:43.16] 可以。我想起在自己修读本科课程的时候,都很希望累积 [00:03:00.00]一些工作经验,而刚好学院有一个为期十个月的[管理实习生]项目,这个项目主要在课堂后到图书馆工作,在这个机缘巧合,我便开始接触图书馆,亦非常喜欢这个工作嘅氛围,自己开始慢慢在图书馆这方面继续进修增值自己 [00:03:30.00]不惊不觉,原来我已经在这个行业呢大约工作了19年的时间!


Ray : [00:03:36.45] 19年呀。


Carmen: [00:03:38.28] 是的!好像很久了。(笑)


Ray : [00:03:40.41] 不是不是!不过你工作了这么多年,应该都有很多经验跟大家分享。


Carmen: [00:03:47.07] 都要不断学习吧!因为我们这个行业都有很多不同的学习机会!直至现在还是非常喜欢我的工作呢!


Ray : [00:03:59.67] 对 [00:04:00.00]我想问你对[世界图书馆学]有什么感受呢?


Carmen: [00:04:07.23]我认为这个话题跟我初接触图书馆的时代有很大的转变!特别在服务创新方面!初入职图书馆工作时我们比较着重资源管理!怎样提供一站式的服务给读者,尽量去满足读者的需求, [00:04:30.00]现在这个[世界图书馆学]已经转变了很多,例如我们开始着重SDG,探讨持续的发展!图书馆可以怎样肩负起这个责任!也会探讨有关区域性的合作,知识怎样共建共享等!


Ray : [00:04:52.32] 在澳门地区,[世界图书馆学] 是你们探讨的话题吗?


Carmen: [00:04:55.71] 我们都会探讨这方面的话题。大家 [00:05:00.00] 都会分享对[世界图书馆学]的看法!特别在covid 下,过往3年对世界各地不同类型的图书馆都有很大的转变,我们会探讨疫情后的新常态,无论大家在什么类型的图书馆工作,目的都希望办到停课不停学,怎样把图书馆的资源 [00:05:30.00]可以让读者随时随地使用!


Ray : [00:05:34.65]你可否分享一下你从什么时候开始了解IFLA?又或者参加有关IFLA 的活动?


Carmen: [00:05:45.24]大家都知道IFLA有很久的历史,相信在图书馆界大家对IFLA 都不会陌生!但我自己参加IFLA是由WLIC 开始 [00:06:00.00]在2018年,澳门地区的高校图书馆联盟得到了政府的资助,有机会组织一班图书馆界同仁到马来西亚吉隆坡参加IFLA WLIC,透过这个机会,我们认识到世界各地图书馆的专家们,自己觉得是一个很好的平台去学习,透过这个平台,让世界各地的图书馆从业员了解我们本地图书馆的发展 [00:06:30.00]到2019年,我很荣幸当选了IFLA CPDWL,中文名为[继续职业发展与职场学习委员会]的成员,让我可以更直接参与在IFLA 专业组别的工作!


Ray : [00:06:48.28]吉隆坡是你第一次参与的IFLA 活动?


Carmen: [00:06:51.10] 对呀!吉隆坡是我第一次参与IFLA 的活动,2019年在希腊,就 [00:07:00.00]是第二次参会!之后因为疫情原因,会议为在线进行,少了机会参与实体会议。这是有关我跟IFLA的少少联系吧!


Ray : [00:07:14.65] 你有没有一个参与IFLA WLIC很难忘的回忆可以跟我们分享下呢?


Carmen: [00:07:24.78] 好的 [00:07:30.00]我参加了两届的WLIC,2018年于吉隆坡及2019年在希腊雅典都令我很难忘!今日主要想分享我在CPDWL 的工作,我们的组别有很多不同的项目,自己参与了一项名为’coaching initiative’的项目,我们每个人在工作的职业生涯都会面对很多不同的挑战,而透过coaching 这个过程,我们可以得到一些专业 [00:08:00.00]人员,或者在职场上从事了很久的图书馆从业员一些启发,从而令自己建立信心去跨越职场上遇到的问题!通过一对一的COACHING可以启发自身思考,帮助这位员工发挥他的潜能,我由2019年起开始参与其中,疫情期间透过在线进行, [00:08:30.00]至今已经参与数年!今年2023年于荷兰鹿特丹将会继续推行这个项目,现在委员会已经开始筹备工作!说起最难忘呢?除了参与会议,有幸跟世界各地不同的图书馆专家一起分享及学习,当然包括 [00:09:00.00]认识你!因为我们都在2019的WLIC 认识呢!


Ray : [00:09:04.63] 对呀!我在不同场合及会议都看到你呢!


Carmen: [00:09:12.28] 当中包括很多SESSIONS及会议都有很多机会认识世界的图书馆从业员!我觉得非常难忘的。


Ray : [00:09:25.63] 真是很好机会!下一个问题是[00:09:30.00]你对这个职业最感兴趣是什么?


Carmen: [00:09:35.86]在这个工作环境可以发现及认识很多新事物,帮助读者同时也可以扩展自己的知识及技能,在这个专业领域每日都遇到 [00:10:00.00]新挑战,例如怎样去满足我们的读者,我相信很多图书馆现在都面临一个经费的限制,我们可以怎样在有限的资源下,提供最优质的服务给读者,都是我们要思考的地方。例如在图书馆工作,自己 [00:10:30.00]需要变得敏锐,去应变社会的变化,所以这是一个充满挑战的行业。


Ray : [00:10:44.01] 如果对IFLA 感兴趣,你可否提供一些建议呢?


Carmen: [00:10:52.77] 我认为装备好自己,对业界的发展要有独觉性, [00:11:00.00]例如参与WLIC是一个很好的机会去初次了解IFLA 的活动!

他们每一年都会招募志愿者,我认为是很好的途径去接触IFLA [00:11:30.00]因为直接参与活动会有更多的体会!最紧要是首先踏出第一步,要以行动去感受,从行动去认识IFLA!


Ray : [00:11:51.10] 很同意,我认为都要慢慢开始,因为WLIC 有很多认识新朋友的机会, [00:12:00.00] 慢慢去扩阔这个网络。


Carmen: [00:12:08.50] 对呀!其实IFLA有很多不同的委员会,可透个自己感兴趣的委员会,参与他们在线研讨会, [00:12:30.00]这个都是一个接触IFLA 的途径!


Ray : [00:12:34.54]如果你不在图书馆工作?你认为你会做什么样的工作呢?


Carmen: [00:12:47.26] 真是一个很难答的问题!因为我在这个范畴已经很久了!如果真的需要从事令一个工作,自己比较喜欢与青少年及小朋友工作的一个人呢 [00:13:00.00] 我是一个有耐性的人,可能从事教育工作吧! 因为教育是互相影响,互相学习,因为教导人的同时自己的学习更大,因为未来的领袖太重要了。[00:13:30.00]我很希望我的工作上对社会有贡献,如果我不从事图书馆行业,我应该从事与’青少年’相关的工作。


Ray : [00:13:49.49] 原来这样!最后一个问题!


Carmen: [00:13:54.99]好。


Ray : [00:13:56.69] 你现在有什么项目跟进中? [00:14:00.00]可否分享一下?


Carmen: [00:14:04.57] 好!我尝试用三点来分享我现在的工作! 我工作的地点是澳门旅游学院,因应学院成为了[土生葡人美食烹饪技艺]-国家级非物质文化遗产的保护单位这个重任, [00:14:30.00]我们要保存[土生菜],因此与其他单位合作,推出土生菜数据库,而图书馆也要设置土生菜专题室呢!希望构建、收录与土生菜相关资料、食谱、藏书等等,将这个重要的 [00:15:00.00]资源保存下来,传承到下一代,让他们了解这个深厚的文化底蕴,构建这个特藏是我工作其一的任务。


澳门是一个很少的地方,所以合作很重要!由2014起澳门地区便成立了高校图书馆联盟,把本澳的高等院校图书馆联合起来 [00:15:30.00]由 2023年起,本人庆幸得到大家的支持而成为新任的联盟主席,我的任期为2年,希望透过联盟,为澳门高校教职员及学生提供丰富的学习资源。每年4月是澳门[00:16:00.00]的图书馆周,无论大中小学或高等院校图书馆都忙着举办不同活动去支持这个盛事。为了融入国家的发展,早在2017年组织了粤港澳大湾区高校图书馆联盟,主要目的是促进我们三地图书馆交流,希望可以资源共建共享 [00:16:30.00]我们4月19至21号将会举办为期三日的活动,名为[2023粤港澳高校图书馆联盟年会暨馆长论坛],过往因为疫情原因,很多会议都改为在线进行,今次为实体会议,我非常期待,可以跟粤港澳三地图书馆代表[00:17:00.00]交流,这几个项目让我感受到将会有一个很充实的2023年。


Ray : [00:17:10.65] 哗,真的要加油Carmen!


Carmen: [00:17:11.49] 对,我会努力呢!


Ray : [00:17:16.35] 我今天真的很多谢你的分享! [00:17:30.00]真的很有意思,希望听众有什么问题都可以与我们CPDWL 联络。


Carmen: [00:17:40.92] 可以呀!我很多谢你的邀请! 让我有机会跟大家分享我的工作! 如有兴趣了解上述分享的项目,欢迎听众与我们联络。


Ray : [00:17:56.91] 好呀!我们未来时间会令一集的专访 [00:18:00.00]希望大家再收听我们的分享吧!! 下次再见!! Bye!


Carmen: [00:18:08.55] Bye。




Ray : [00:00:01.62]Hello. This is Ray Pun, welcome to our IFLA CPDWL podcast project, we often invite colleagues in the library field to share their work and we are happy to have Carmen Lei today.

Carmen: [00:00:30.39] [00:00:30.00]Hello everyone!

Ray : [00:00:32.49] Welcome, let us try to use Cantonese and English for this episode, can you tell us where you are and where do you work?

Carmen: [00:00:59.70] Sure [00:01:00.00] Hello everyone, first of all, I would like to thank Ray for the invitation to share my work in this platform. My name is Carmen and I’m from Macao.

Ray : [00:01:13.36] What type of library are you working?

Carmen: [00:01:16.06] I work in an academic library named ‘Macao Institute for tourism Studies.” The institute mainly offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the area of Tourism and Hospitality, and I’m the head librarian.

Ray : [00:01:38.24] If you had to describe yourself using only one word, what word would it be?

Carmen: [00:01:47.18]Is very difficult to use simply one word as I’m a bit greedy! But if I must use one word only, I would say ‘responsibility’. I think is important to take up responsibility in whatever circumstances. [00:02:00.00] However, I would like to twist a bit of the question to what kind of person am I in the eyes of others? When others think of Carmen, what impression do they have? I hope I can be trusted by others in the workplace or in any different positions [00:02:30.00] I hope I can make people feel at ease when Carmen is around!

Ray : [00:02:32.96] What compelled you to become a librarian? How did you get started?

Carmen: [00:02:43.16] I remembered when I was in my undergraduate, I tried to look for opportunities to accumulate some working experiences [00:03:00.00]it happened that the Institute that I attended had a “Ten month management trainee scheme”,in which I had to work in the library after class, this is how I came into contact with the library and I enjoyed the atmosphere working there, I started to treat this as my profession and gradually continue my postgraduate in library science [00:03:30.00] time flies and I have been working in this industry for about 19 years.

Ray : [00:03:36.45] 19 years!

Carmen: [00:03:38.28] Yup, sounds quite a long time though…

Ray : [00:03:40.41] No..no..! Can you share with us your experiences after spending all these years in the library?

Carmen: [00:03:47.07] keep the enthusiasm and keep learning, because there is so much opportunities in the library industry. I still enjoy my job very much!

Ray : [00:03:59.67] That’s right! [00:04:00.00] What does global librarianship mean to you? Has that vision changed for you over the years?

Carmen: [00:04:07.23] I think this topic has a big change compared from the first day I stepped into the profession, especially in service innovation. When I first started working in the library, we pay more attention to resources management, how to provide quality one-stop services to users and meet their needs. [00:04:30.00] Now, aside from providing quality services, we also focus on sustainability. For instance, the SDG has been discussed. How libraries shoulder these responsibilities? We also focus on regional and international collaboration, how to build and share knowledge.

Ray : [00:04:52.32] In Macao, is ‘Global Librarianship’ on discussion?

Carmen: [00:04:55.71] Definitely! We [00:05:00.00] always share our views among different libraries. Especially under the time of covid, a lot of changes has been around for the past 3 years, and discussion on the ‘new normal’ in the post pandemic, no matter what type of libraries you work in, we always focus on ‘suspension of classes without suspending learning’,. [00:05:30.00] we seek ways to ensure library resources are made available to user anytime and anywhere!

Ray : [00:05:34.65] That’s great! How did you first get involved in IFLA?

Carmen: [00:05:45.24] We know that IFLA has a long standing history, but my participation in IFLA starts with WLIC. [00:06:00.00]In 2018, the Macao Academic Library Alliance had organized a group of library colleagues to attend the IFLA WLIC in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with the support from the government, though this opportunity, we met library experts around the globe, we also make use of this platform to let the world learn about our local libraries as well. [00:06:30.00]  In 2019, I’m honored to be elected as one of the standing committee member in IFLA CPDWL, so that I can directly get involved in IFLA activities.

Ray : [00:06:48.28]Is Kuala Lumpur your first encountered with IFLA?

Carmen: [00:06:51.10] That’s right! I started IFLA activities as a new-comer on WLIC in KL in 2018 and Athens in 2019, [00:07:00.00] Due to the epidemic, the WLIC has been moved online for a few years, I would say WLIC is somehow my connections with IFLA.

Ray : [00:07:14.65] Can you share with us a memorable moment you have about IFLA WLIC! Maybe a WLIC session or meeting or a social you attended?

Carmen: [00:07:24.78] Alright! [00:07:30.00]I participated twice in WLIC, one in KL and one time in Greece. Our group, CPDWL has various projects and I would like to share the ‘coaching initiative’ that I participated since 2019. Each of us will face lots of challenges in our day to day tasks, and through the process of coaching, we can get some inspiration from library professionals or librarians who have been working in the profession for a very long time. [00:08:00.00] Through the one on one coaching, you can gain some stimulation to build confidence to overcome problems we encountered in the workplace, it helps to inspire one’s own potentials! During the epidemic, the coaching initiative has been moved online. [00:08:30.00] In 2023, we will have the physical coaching again in Rotterdam, and the committee has started preparations for this project now! In additional to participate in conferences and involving in projects. [00:09:00.00] Ray, meeting you and many others in WLIC back in 2019 is also one of the memorable moments too, because we also build network in joining WLIC events.

Ray : [00:09:04.63] That’s right, I remembered seeing you in some of the events during the WLIC!

Carmen: [00:09:12.28] There are lots of sessions we can attend to know about different library colleagues around the globe! I think this is one of the memorable moments when participating in WLIC.

Ray : [00:09:25.63] Really great opportunity! Next question is what are you most excited about in the profession?

Carmen: [00:09:35.86] In our profession, you can discover many new skills and expand your knowledge every single day. [00:10:00.00] For example, how we can sustain the best service to users despite the heavy budget cut on libraries, how to keep up with ‘tech-savvy’ to adapt to the ever-changing world. When working in a library, [00:10:30.00] we need to become sensitive and adapt to social changes, so, it’s a challenging industry.

Ray : [00:10:44.01] What’s a professional development tip or advice that you’d like to share with others, particularly those who are new and/or would like to be involved in IFLA?

Carmen: [00:10:52.77] Well equip yourself and awareness on the development of the library industry! [00:11:00.00] For example, participating in WLIC is a great opportunity to learn about IFLA for the first time. They recruit volunteers every year, is a chance to reach out to IFLA  [00:11:30.00] because with direct participation it will be more rewarding. The most important thing is to take the first step, feel it though action!

Ray : [00:11:51.10] Totally agree, because this is how we can make friends and build up network.

Carmen: [00:12:08.50] Yes, in fact, IFLA has many different committees, you can start by picking a committee with your own interest and participate their seminars and workshops online. [00:12:30.00]This is a way to get in touch with IFLA too.

Ray : [00:12:34.54] If you didn’t work in libraries, what profession other than librarianship would you have wanted to attempt?

Carmen: [00:12:47.26] What a difficult question to answer because I have been working in this field for so long. If I really need to engage to a new job, I prefer to work with teenagers or children. [00:13:00.00] I consider myself having patience with teens and kids, probably I would like to involve in education. Education to me is mutual influence and learning from each other, teens and kids are somehow leaders of the future! [00:13:30.00]I hope what I do can pay contribution to society, if I’m not working in the library industry, I hope to work with these future leaders.

Ray : [00:13:49.49] I see, let’s go into the last question…

Carmen: [00:13:54.99]Sure

Ray : [00:13:56.69] Can you tell us about a recent project, presentation or program that you are working on or an upcoming event that you’ll be “zooming” in and what you might be presenting on?

Carmen: [00:14:04.57] I would like to share 3 tasks. The IFTM I work for is named protection unit of National Intangible Cultural Heritage on Macanese Gastronomy, [00:14:30.00] Thus, we have the mission to preserve this Intangible asset, with co-operation with other government units, a Macanese Database has been established, the library has to take up responsibilities to create a special collection including monographs, recipes, manuscripts etc inside the library in preserving this important resources.  [00:15:00.00] so that our next generation can understand this profound cultural heritage.

Macao is a small place, so collaboration is very important. Since 2014, the Macao Academic Library Alliance has been established.  [00:15:30.00] In 2023, I am honored to run as Chairperson of the alliance for 2 years, I hope that through the work of the alliance, we can provide better services and rich resources for faculties and students among these member libraries. In addition, April is the Macao Library week, [00:16:00.00], different types of libraries are busy arranging different activities to support these important moments. To integrate into national development plans, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area University Library Alliance has been established in 2017, the main purpose is to promote exchanges between these three regions, so that we can build and share resources.  [00:16:30.00] The “2023 Annual Meeting of the Guangdong-Hong Kong -Macau University Library Alliance and Forum” will take place from 19-21 April in Macao this year, due to the epidemic, our previous conferences were held online, so I’m longing to meet these library friends again physically this month for sharing and exchange. [00:17:00.00] these projects keeps me motivated and I guess I will be having a very fulfilling 2023.

Ray : [00:17:10.65] Wow! You have to work hard Carmen.

Carmen: [00:17:11.49] Right, I will.

Ray : [00:17:16.35] Thanks for your sharing today!  [00:17:30.00] Is very meaningful, thanks for listening to our episode today, get in touch with CPDWL if you have any queries.

Carmen: [00:17:40.92] Thanks for your invitation Ray, if listeners are interested to know more about our activities, they can get in touch with CPDWL or me.

Ray : [00:17:56.91] Sure, we will have another episode soon, [00:18:00.00] hope everyone can join us again next time, bye.

Carmen: [00:18:08.55] bye.