Thirteenth candidate statement: Marga Koelen. IFLA Standing Committee elections are currently underway, and the ARL Standing Committee is excited to be welcoming new members. We have invited our candidates to submit short biographies so that those of you who are voting members will have some background in making your selections.
“Science belongs to all of us and should be available to all of us”. I would be very happy to become a member of the IFLA ARL Standing Committee and to support the idea that everybody can benefit from science progress and their results. Academic and Research Libraries play an important role in the progress of science. There are many key issues the coming years where we could work together worldwide: open access to scientific publications, access to research data for re-use, open science and all its implications, standardization regarding systems and infrastructure. At the same time, we should realize that open science means open when possible and closed when necessary. In an open science environment research integrity and research ethics are closely linked. Academic and Research Libraries have their role in the information society and support the process of knowledge management, which facilitates the knowledge production and utilization and as such Academic and Research Libraries will also contribute to the attainment of the sustainable development goals.
With these ambitions in mind I hope to be selected to join the ACR Standing Committee. My name is Marga Koelen and I work at the University of Twente Library in the Netherlands where I am responsible for Research Support and a member of the LISA (Library, ICT services & Archive) management team.