Monthly Archives: August 2014

IFLA Social Science Libraries Section Programs of Interest in Lyon

 Social Science Libraries Section: Meetings and Programs of Interest:

 Session 10: Sat. 16 August 2014. 9 .45-12.15 | Room Foyer Gratte-Ciel Parc

First Social Science Libraries Standing Committee Meeting

Session 103: Mon. 18 August 2014. 13 .45-15.45 | Room Salle Gratte-Ciel 1-3

Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group Meeting

Session 129: Tues. 19 August 2014. 11 .30-13.00 | Room: Salle Tête d’Or 2

Second Social Science Libraries Standing Committee Meeting

Session 166: Wedn. 20 August 2014. 9 .30-12.45 | Room Auditorium Lumière

Social Science Libraries & Women, Information & Libraries Special Interest Group

Librarians as Change Agents: Finding, Using and Managing Data for Social Change for Women

• The socially responsive design for a library catalogue and thesaurus in a non-profit community organization

LANA SOGLASNOVA and MARY HANSON (University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada)

• ESMT Information Center- School and Services for Sustainable Business

KAREN LA MACCHIA (European School of Management and Technology, Berlin, Germany)

• Information Literacy + Service Learning= Social Change

TIFFINI TRAVIS and JENNIFER GRADIS (California State University, Long Beach, CA, United States)

• Librarians contribution to social change though information provision: the experience of Makerere University library

. MARIA MUSOKE and LYDIA NAMUGERA (University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda)

LandWise: A Women & Land Library

. JENNIFER CHANG (Anneal, Inc. on behalf of Landesa, Seattle, WA, United States)

Targeting Disadvantaged Women – Advancing Women’s Empowerment through Library Entrepreneurship Workshops

GIANINA ANGELA CELINE CABANILLA (School of Library and Information Studies, University of the Philippines

Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines)

The librarian as agent of change in contexts of social vulnerability: an experience with young women in Uruguay

. MARTHA SABELLI and PAULINA SZAFRAN (Departamento de Información y Sociedad. Instituto de Información.

Facultad de Información y Comunicación. Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay)

Memory: Feminine Noun

. SIMONETTA PASQUALIS DELL & APOS; ANTONIO (Università degli Studi di Trieste Trieste, Italy) and MARINA

ROMI (Consiglio Regionale del Friuli Venezia Giulia/Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Trieste, Italy)

Session 217: Thu. 21 August 2014. 11.30-13.00 |Room Salle Tête d’Or 2

Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group Business Meeting

Session 96 – Poster Session: Mon. 18 August 2014. 12.00-14.00 | Exhibition Hall

Session 132 – Poster Session: Tues. 19 August 2014. 12.00-14.00 | Exhibition Hall

Complete List of Poster Presentations

Presentations by Social Science Libraries Section Standing Committee Members:

KAYO DENDA. “Documenting the Past and Engaging Young Women with Digital Humanities: Library as a confluence for

intergenerational Women at Rutgers.” Poster Presentation.

KINGO JOTHAM MCHOMBU AND CHIKU MNUBI-MCHOMBU. The role of Information and Knowledge in Poverty Eradication in Africa: the Case Study Namibia.”

Session 189: 20 August 2014. 13.45-15.45 | Room: Amphithéâtre

Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group

Effective Access to Information as Key to Sustainable Poverty Reduction and Thriving in Africa

Satellite Meeting in Paris, August 25-26, 2014

Sponsored by the Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group:

Libraries at the Heart of the Dialogue of Cultures and Religions  

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The IFLA Religious Libraries in Dialogue Special Interest Group (RELINDIAL) is dedicated to libraries serving as places of dialogue between cultures through a better knowledge of religions. This book shows the contribution of libraries to the dialogue between cultures, a dialogue which is always closely linked to the dialogue between religions. With the urgent need for dialogue on a worldwide scale, libraries have a significant role to play. And they are meeting this challenge.

Congratulations to Odile Dupont, Editor,  for all her work!

Libraries Serving Dialogue
Edited by: Odile Dupont
Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur, 2014
ISBN 978-3-11-031693-3
(IFLA Publications; Nr 163)
Euro 89,95* / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 126.00

Relindial image