Monthly Archives: May 2014

Canadian Learning Commons book

The Canadian Library Associationn (CLA) is pleased to announce the launch of its latest publication Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada. This publication presents a model for the development and implementation of the school libraryas a library learning commons. It provides educators with a common set of standards of practice for moving forward. CLA President Marie DeYoung stated that the organization considers this publication asa “definitive learning support that is critical for all Canadian schools.” Leading Learning addresses the impact on education of new technologies. The explosion of digital information calls for new working spaces, new networks, and new approaches to supporting learning. Leading Learning is focused on the concept of the new school library learning commons which responds to the needs of 21st century learners. School libraries are measured by the transformative changes in knowledge and learning they encourage and support. In the document, learning commons are positioned as centres of teaching expertise which is achieved through a combination of resources, technologies, collaborative strategies, and physical and virtual learning spaces that support all learners as they evolve. Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada offers a vision and provides practical approaches for a ll those engaged in creating successful 21stcentury school libraries in Canada. Its framework presents five standards supported by a set of themes and growth stages that lead to the transformation from traditional library facility to vibrant library learning commons. The standards represent guideposts along a journey of continuous growth. Because Canadian schools are at  different points on this journey, this publication includes a range of markers of progress, sets of implementation strategies, and rich examples of innovation and success. Leading Learning also contains key resources to provide educators, individual schools, and school districts with helpful direction and support. CLA focuses on partnerships and liaisons within and beyond the school ‒with other libraries, such as public and academic libraries, and organizations such as school board trustees, and the Council of Ministers of Education in Canada. The complete Leading Learning document is available free of charge at: with a ccompanying bibliography:

Library teen services book

The Future of Library Services for and with Teens: a Call to Action, is the result of a yearlong national forum conducted by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) in 2013, with funding provided by the Institute of Museum and Library
services. The Call to Action lays out a new path for serving 21st century teens through libraries. This 2014 report shows that many libraries are continuing to grapple with diminishing resources while at the same time struggling to meet the needs of a changing teen population. Additionally, significant developments in technology have led to the need to rethink how services for and with teens are best created and delivered. The Call to Action provides recommendations on how libraries must address challenges and re-envision their teen services in order to meet the needs of their individual communities and to collectively ensure that the nation’s 40+ million teens develop the skills they need to be productive citizens.

Australia hosts international library symposium

The inaugural International Library Symposium will be held from 28-30 September 2014 at The Southport School, Gold Coast, Australia. This event is proudly supported by the Queensland School Library Association. Registration is now open at:<>
Preliminary Program is available at:

Library professionals, academics, researchers, authors, teachers and students with an interest in discussing and learning more about the vital role libraries play in schools and the broader community will gather to attend the inaugural International Library Symposium on Queensland’s Gold Coast. This event will provide delegates with a wonderful opportunity to exchange ideas, share and understand common ground, and hear presentations from an impressive range of nationally and internationally renowned keynote speakers.

Symposium Theme: Embracing New Landscapes The library profession is one of the most dynamic components of modern education. As libraries have been (and continue to be) at the forefront of resource development and management, those involved are constantly needing to ‘up-grade’. With the launch of each new ICT resource a new ‘learning landscape’ is created and educators need to keep abreast of these advances so they may provide the very best services for their clients. Maintaining a solid foundation of accessible and cutting-edge learning and teaching resources within the educational sector is vital for continuing ‘best practice’ within the library profession.

Symposium Structure: The International Library Symposium will feature a series of keynote presentations from nationally and internationally recognised social commentators, authors, creators and educators. The program includes extensive networking opportunities for delegates, a range of social events and a Trade Exhibition.

French School Libraries Manifesto

FADBEN MANIFESTO 2012   (en français après)

Teaching information-documentation and information culture


Our connections to knowledge, to others and to the world have been disrupted by digital information technologies in a way that cannot be reversed or predicted. This new informational paradigm stretches over numerous fields – economic, scientific, political or educational – of our societies. Thus, it deeply affects our cultural landmarks and practices. UNESCO considers the informational skill as essential for the 21st century human being. Since France subscribes to these international issues, the French government would definitely benefit from including this skill in the educational system in an explicit and formal way.

Today, the ability to access and use information is essential to play a role in this knowledge-based society. However, this ability cannot be reduced to a mere procedure. It must be inserted into genuine knowledge about the situation and function of documents, information and communication, which would lead to an informative acculturation favouring the social, cultural and professional integration of individuals. The present adaptive approach to the development of living information ability must be continued by a more rational and better-organized approach which would focus on reflexive and operational knowledge based on in-depth study and review. The objectives of students information culture are numerous : building knowledge to enable students to understand information occurrences ; developing an enlightened understanding of the stakes and mechanisms of the information and communication industries ; and enabling students to develop a critical approach to the endless technological innovations and the “documentarisation” [1] of human beings when personal data are being used. Eventually, ethical and responsible attitudes regarding the use of information should be developed.

Henceforth, how can we be satisfied with what our educational system is offering ? Concerning institutional documents, prescriptions about knowledge and abilities in library and information science can be found in the secondary school and its basic program, and in a lesser way, in the syllabuses of various subjects. Is it indeed possible to talk here about transmitting information culture ? In practice, it is rather fragmented training, led in a sporadic and random way. Thus, cultural disparities are increasing, instead of being reduced. The working conditions of the French Librarian school teachers are getting less and less favourable to the training of the students, although the CAPES [2] has legitimized their teaching and educational mission since 1989. FADBEN, the National Federation of French Librarian school teachers, thus exposes the lack of a genuine institutional frame to structure this field of teaching, and the lack of recognition of the didactic framework necessary to address real school knowledge concerning the subject of information and documentation.

FADBEN also complains that Librarian school teachers do not get the recognition they fully deserve regarding their educational expertise.

FADBEN consequently calls for the recognition and the formalization of the educational contents specific to Librarian school teachers that is to say the information and documentation subject ; contents they have to teach using the Information and Documentation Centres (CDI) which are didactic resource places they have to manage, as well as the online information resources that can be used to enable students to build an information culture. FADBEN also calls for the complete recognition of Librarian school teachers by the institution and the inscription in official texts of didactic and educational liability, in accordance with their status as qualified teachers. FADBEN wants Librarian school teachers to remain qualified teachers in the future as they are now, along with the continuation of the recruitment process by CAPES, claiming the establishment of a regional and general board of inspectors specialized in the information and documentation field. FADBEN asks for the update of the 1986 circular letter in order to clarify the primacy of the integration of informational culture for the students.

FADBEN consequently asks for institutional means to guarantee the quality of the teaching of information and documentation and the added-value of the educational resources system.

To this end, FADBEN suggests the setting up of a ministerial working group which would develop an information and documentation curriculum to be registered in the official guidelines. This curriculum would aim at creating a consistent module of information culture teaching for first-to-final-year students and even for higher education. Librarian school teachers would be entrusted with the teaching of this module. It would be based on the progress and the assessment of learning. This general education text should plan the necessary epistemological and structural links with the closely related media and digital cultures, and with other school subjects. In order to do so, the ministerial working group should include the question of the initial and further training of Librarian school teachers.

From today onwards, clear and strong measures have to be taken to enable Librarian school teachers to fulfill their mission and for students to claim ownership of their information culture. FADBEN is prepared to meet and explain its suggestions to anyone who thinks that the teaching of the information culture is a part of equal opportunity and citizenship for all.

NOTES [1] “documentarisation” of human being cf Olivier Ertzscheid, Jean-Michel Salaün, Roger T. Pedauque and Manuel Zackland’s works

[2] The CAPES is the certificate necessary to teach in French secondary schools



Enseignement de l’information-documentation

et ouverture à la culture informationnelle


Manifeste 2012 :

Le contexte de l’information numérique bouleverse de manière imprévisible et irréversible notre rapport au savoir, aux autres et au monde. Ce nouveau paradigme informationnel irrigue tous les champs, qu’ils soient économiques, scientifiques, politiques ou éducatifs, qui composent nos sociétés, modifiant en profondeur nos repères et nos pratiques culturelles. La compétence informationnelle est ainsi présentée par l’UNESCO comme indispensable aux hommes et aux femmes du XXIème siècle. La France, qui souscrit à ces enjeux internationaux, gagnerait à les inscrire de manière explicite et formelle dans les finalités de son système éducatif.

Aujourd’hui, il faut maîtriser l’information pour participer à la « société du savoir ». Mais cette maîtrise ne peut pas être uniquement procédurale, elle doit intégrer des connaissances sur la place et le rôle de la documentation, de l’information et de la communication, pour permettre une acculturation informationnelle favorisant l’intégration sociale, culturelle et professionnelle des individus. Il convient de prolonger l’actuelle approche pragmatique des formations à la maîtrise de l’information, qui s’est appuyée jusque-là sur des référentiels de compétences procédurales, par une approche culturelle plus ration­nelle et plus structurée. Celle-ci doit se centrer sur des savoirs réflexifs et opérationnels construits par l’étude et l’examen approfondi. Les objectifs de la culture informationnelle pour l’élève sont multiples : construire des savoirs permettant la compréhension des phénomènes informationnels, favoriser la critique éclairée des enjeux et des mécanismes des industries de l’information et de la communication, ainsi que la distanciation à observer devant la course sans fin à l’innovation technologique et à la documentarisation de l’homme via l’exploitation de ses traces numériques. Il s’agira enfin de développer des attitudes éthiques et responsables lorsqu’il est fait usage de l’information.

Dès lors, comment se satisfaire de ce que propose l’école aujourd’hui ? Institutionnellement, on retrouve bien des prescriptions de connaissances et de compétences en information-documentation dans le socle commun et, de manière plus diffuse, dans les programmes des différentes disciplines. Mais peut-on parler pour autant d’un enseignement de la culture informationnelle ? Sur le terrain, la for­mation est encore trop souvent morcelée et dispensée de façon sporadique et aléatoire, creusant les inégalités plutôt que les réduisant. Les conditions d’exercice des professeurs documentalistes dans les établissements sont, quant à elles, de moins en moins propices à la délivrance de ces formations. Pourtant, depuis 1989, le mode de recrutement par le CAPES légitime la fonction pédagogique et enseignante du professeur documentaliste. La FADBEN dénonce ainsi l’absence d’un véritable cadre institutionnel pour structurer cet enseignement et la non-reconnaissance d’un cadre didac­tique de référence pour penser les savoirs scolaires de l’information-documentation. Elle déplore encore le refus de reconnais­sance de l’expertise pédagogique des professeurs documentalistes.

La FADBEN revendique par conséquent la reconnaissance et la formalisation des contenus d’enseignement qui relèvent du domaine de spécialité du professeur documentaliste, à savoir l’information-documentation, qu’il doit enseigner en prenant appui, non seulement sur les ressources du Centre de documentation et d’information (CDI) qu’il gère en tant que système didactisé, mais encore sur les gisements d’informations en ligne à partir des­quels peuvent être construits par les élèves les savoirs de l’information-documentation et de la culture informationnelle.

La FADBEN revendique la totale reconnais­sance par l’institution et l’inscription dans les textes officiels de la responsabilité pédagogique et didactique du professeur documentaliste, conformément à son statut de certifié en documentation.

La FADBEN revendique le maintien des personnels dans le corps des professeurs certifiés, la poursuite de leur recrutement par CAPES et la création d’une inspection pédagogique régionale et générale spécifique à l’information-documentation.

La FADBEN demande que la circulaire de mission de 1986 soit actualisée pour préciser la priorité donnée à l’acculturation informationnelle des élèves.

La FADBEN demande que des moyens institutionnels spécifiques soient débloqués en conséquence, afin de garantir la qualité de l’enseignement dispensé en information-documentation et la valeur ajoutée du système de ressources à visée pédagogique.

Dans cette perspective, la FADBEN propose la consti­tution d’un groupe de travail ministériel chargé d’élaborer un curriculum info-documentaire, de façon à l’inscrire dans les directives officielles. Celui-ci aura pour but la création d’un enseignement à la culture informationnelle, sous la forme d’un module cohérent dont la mise en œuvre sera explicitement confiée aux professeurs documentalistes. Ce module s’inscrira dans le cursus de tous les élèves de la 6ème à la Terminale, ainsi que dans les classes post-bac. Le curriculum sera également basé sur une progression et une évaluation des apprentissages. Il devra prévoir les nécessaires articulations épistémologiques et structurelles avec, d’une part, les cultures médiatique et numérique qui lui sont voisines et, d’autre part, avec les disciplines scolaires existantes. Pour ce faire, le groupe de travail ministériel sur le curriculum devra intégrer la question des formations initiale et continue des professeurs documentalistes.

Des décisions fortes et claires doivent être prises dès aujourd’hui pour permettre aux professeurs documentalistes d’exercer convenablement leur mission et aux élèves de s’approprier cette culture. La FADBEN est prête à rencontrer toutes celles et tous ceux qui considèrent que l’enseignement de la culture informationnelle participe à l’égalité des chances et à la formation du citoyen et de la citoyenne, pour leur exposer ses propositions.


Flyer FADBEN-IFLA 2014-english flyer_2014_IFLA_french


IASL conference August

An anticipated event in the calendar of school librarians and school library researchers will occur in August 2014. The 43rd International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) conference and 18th Forum on International Research in School Librarianship will be held in Moscow from 25 – 30 August with the theme: “The school library in the knowledge society: use of cognitive technologies, form creative person”.
The conference is being organised by RUSLA and preparations are in full swing.
On the conference website you may see the preliminary program.
The conference venue is the Cosmos Hotel and the room rate is very competitive.
Residents of most countries require Russian visas to enter the country. There is a form available under the Registration tab of the conference website which one can submit to request a Russian visa. Please organise these well in advance. There is also a spreadsheet form for registration including accommodation options, conference tours and payment details. Please consider joining the IASL community for this time of stimulating professional development, an unforgettable experience of Russian culture and international ‘joie de vivre’.