Conference Report: ‘Public Libraries as Place Makers in Today’s Cities’

PLS member Joe Siegrist  attended MetLib’s  ‘Public Libraries as Place Makers in Today’s Cities’. The session was one of the last on the WLIC 2017 program but as Joe wrote ‘leaving the best until last’.

Steve Dickson explained how he come to a building as a creator and how a library is become a place to meet – the third place.


Sujin Huggins than showed how the needs of persons with autism can be served by considering space, service, programs and advocacy.







Saara Ihamäki from Helsinki concluded her experience to involve the people the beginning of building a library: “it is hard to hands over the power!”


Paulina Milewska learn more about what people really from libraries want because of the experience of mystery visitors in libraries.


In Philadelphia Joel Nichols and Christine Caputo designed an early Childhood library playspace and the climbing wall is now a real attraction.


In Copenhagen the library is everywhere – not only inside of the building.


All the examples showed libraries play an important part in the daily life and make live a little bit better!