Monthly Archives: January 2014

Report on primary education access

A new UNESCO report suggests it’ll be more than 70 years before all children have access to primary school.
Here is a summary from the BBC: – it will be a 70-year wait before some children will be able to attend primary school .

British study on pleasure reading impact

A study  carried out by the Centre for Logditudinal Studies, at the Institute of Education (one of the colleges of the University of London) supplies evidence that children who read for pleasure are likely to do significantly better at school than their peers.  Strong reading ability affected children’s scores in maths, vocabulary and spelling. Here is the link to the press release – it specifically mentions the importance of the library:  

Social inequalities in cognitive scores at age 16: The role of reading’, by Alice Sullivan and Matt Brown. CLS Working Paper 2013/10

French libraries access campaign

Vous êtes déjà plus de 8000 à avoir signé l’appel Ouvrons + les bibliothèques ! Aidez-nous à dépasser les 10000 au plus vite !

Les témoignages d’usagers, les marques de soutien de professionnels et les initiatives locales se multiplient. Lors de ses vœux à la presse le 21 Janvier dernier, Aurélie Filippetti, Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication, a déclaré que 2014 serait « l’année des bibliothèques » et plaidé pour une ouverture élargie, adaptée à tous les publics.

Nous devons maintenir cet élan jusqu’à obtention de résultats ! Nous comptons sur vous pour signer et faire signer la pétition, diffuser l’appel autour de vous et nous rejoindre dans la création de collectifs locaux de campagne :


Astrid Lindgren Award timetable

March 25: Announcement of the 2014 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award laureate (s) at the National Library of Sweden at 1:00 pm CET. The announcement is broadcast live on and streamed live to the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, Italy.

March 27: A presentation of the laureate at the Swedish Institute for Children’s Books in Stockholm. Open to the public. Admission free but limited seating.

April 4: Presentation of the laureate(s) in Umeå in a conference on children’s culture arranged by the Swedish Arts Council – Choosing the right is large, to choose freely is bigger?

May 26 – June 2: The award week begins on May 26 and includes a visit to Vimmerby, Astrid Lindgren’s birthplace. The laureate(s) participate in a program and meet the Swedish public, press and media. The award week ends with the award ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall on June 2.

Studying students book

Foster, N. (2014). Studying students: A second look. Chicago: ACRL.

This book presents ethnographic projects at the University of Rochester that examine how college students learn how to use technology and produce research papers. It also discusses the library’s role in the academy.

Adult literacy bibliographies

Here are ALADIN Bibliographies on Adult Learning and Literacy in French, Arabic and Spanish that can be found in the ALADIN Adult Learning Links.

ALADIN Bibliography on Adult Learning and Literacy in the French Speaking Countries (2005-2013)

A list of titles in the area of adult education, literacy and lifelong learning about the french speaking countries. This bibliography provides direct links to many full-text materials.
All titles are in French.


ALADIN Bibliography on Adult Learning and Literacy for the Arab world (2000-2012)

A list of titles in the area of adult education, literacy and lifelong learning from and/or about the Arab World.
The titles are in English and/or Arabic (some in French).


ALADIN Bibliography on Adult Learning and Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean (2000 – 2011)

An annotated bibliography on Adult Learning and Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean (2000 – 2011) was published in Spanish as a joint regional effort of ALADIN members in the region.
This bibliography provides direct links to many full-text materials.