Digital Cooperation Day Three: How can libraries play a strong role in partnerships and decision-making related to the internet?

The final day of our consultation on IFLA’s response to the UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation looks at how we can give libraries a stronger role in decision-making about digital issues.

As highlighted in previous blogs, libraries already have a strong record of cooperation. The sorts of partnership involved vary according to the type of library, from local community groups to major multinational companies, but all can help achieve library goals.

What about cooperation at the global level? IFLA regularly represents libraries at the Internet Governance Forum, and there are often librarians at regional and national editions. Indeed, a key benefit of participation in these meetings is the potential they offer to build and pursue partnerships.

However, not all discussions about major digital issues are so open. Libraries are not always so well listened to in other fora, despite the contribution they can make.

So our final question focuses on what should be done to ensure that libraries play a strong role, both in order to influence decision-making, and in order to ensure that their potential to provide solutions to digital challenges is not left unrealised.

Does there need to be a more formal role for voices like those of libraries? Greater consultation? Discussion of digital issues at local levels?

Let us know what you think! You can also post your ideas on social media with the hashtag #LibrariesDigiCoop.

You can read IFLA’s initial submission to the High Level Panel on our website. See all of our blogs on Digital Cooperation here.

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